Friday, May 1, 2015

A visit from Grandpa Walt Walt and Grandma Sooz!

In one 24 hour span, I'd gone worm hunting and caught a snail (it was a rivoting chase......"will he or will he not catch the nimble mollusk?!?!)   :)
It was a harefooted chase, but Dookie the Snail (Cal named him) became our pet for 3 days.  Dookie's life with the Walter family was fabulous...well until we had two days of rain and we forgot to bring his makeshift home inside.  Snails can't swim.   (Cal, if you're reading this years down the road, I'm sorry that I lied to you and told you that he'd escaped after the wind blew his cage over.)
Hey, D!  That watermelon isn't real. This kid loves to eat food.....even if it's plastic. 

We love going fishing at the golf course pond! 

"Grahammies and milk"...

Look who came for a visit!  Grandpa Walt bought Cal his first big boy mitt.

Snuggling with Grandma Sooz.....
Davis's original cast got wet in the bath on Thursday evening.  He was alligator rolling and I didn't get to him in time to stop him!  Here is his second cast. 
Memorize it because it only lasted 24 hours before this happened:
Houdini pulled his arm out of his second cast....and he was pretty proud of himself.  :)
Ninja Turtles have to battle bad guys....and recycling cans.
Look who's a solid bike rider now!!!  Thanks to Grandpa Walt's handy work with the training wheels, Cal's bike is now fully functioning and he LOVES it, 

Walt and Davis....just chillin'.  Oh...and that fat pig dog was, too. 
Fishing time!  We went to the pond near the Gillespies house and had a great time catching some pesca.

Travis and his girls have a funny tradition of kissing the fish before releasing it!  lol.  Ella was feeding it some "cookies", aka catfish bait. 
We cleaned up and went for some Yo-B! 
Grandma Sooz and Cal had fun playing with his new Spiderman toy that they let him pick out.  It's been a big hit!
Cool dudes.
We had a great time with Grandpa Walt and Grandma Sooz!  Thanks for coming to visit us!!!
This silly boy got his 3rd (and hopefully last) cast on Monday the 13th. 

He was digging to fingerful of dirt at a time. 

Cal caught a ladybug and had fun playing with it. 

I mean.....gimme a break!!!  It's too bad he doesn't like to take pictures.  :)
How is this boy about to be 4?!  Time is flying.  Such a sweetie. 

Hey, Davis!!!  Smiley boy.

Davis got his first shiner, and unfortunately it probably won't be his last.  (Update:  May 1st....he was sad that his first shiner was fading, so he decided to fall on the kitchen floor and give himself another.)  He fell off the white bar stools (which I didn't even know he was climbing) while I was cooking.  He always gets hurt when I'm cooking.  This boy is such a spitfire!!! 

It was a chilly morn, but we were still so happy that the weekend was almost here!

My sweet boys. 
Well...two of us were excited for Friday.  TGIF. 

A black eye and a cast.....all boy! 
Cal is learning how to go across the monkey bars.  He makes it to about the 3rd bar and then drops.


Where there is food.....the dogs are not far away.

Mom and I have a GNO and went to a hilarious show at The Roxy!  The Big Bang was so funny and we had a wonderful time out on the town. 
The next day, I let the boys paint because it was fairly chilly outside.  Backfire....Davis started painting his cast. 

Double backfire.....then he crawled all over the house, leaving "cast stamps" on our carpet.  Awesome. 


1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful visit--Thanks for having us!!!

    (reminder for Cal) "HUSTLE IT DOWN" ! !
