Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A swimming lessons graduate and an active, hungry baby

Before I get started, I just have to document the fact that we've had two days of 60 degree temps in July?!?!  It's been amazing.  Yesterday it was rainy and 68 degrees and the boys and I took a three hour nap.  It was glorious.  Please spring....errrr, I mean summer, never end!!
He's starting to self feed more often.  Silly, messy boy!
Cal graduated from swimming lessons last night and his class got to go down the BIG water slide!  I couldn't believe he was brave enough.  I watched several kiddos turn around and reject the slide, but he went down twice all by himself.  So proud of him!  Cal's come a long way this month.  Our main goal was to get him to put his face in the water and he has surpassed that goal and loves, actual swimming now. 


He wanted to walk outside (shocker) and as we passed Cal's basket of dinosaurs, he grabbed the T-Rex and hasn't put it down much since then. 
It's hard to film while holding him with one hand and walking!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Yep, I felt it!! 4.3 earthquake!

Ollie and I were sitting on the couch and I heard the windows rattling.  Next thing I know, the couch was shaking!  OB and I looked at each other and then I ran upstairs to see if Mitch felt it.....he didn't.  He was dozing.  The Kansan felt it, but the Californian didn't.  lol!


Monday, July 28, 2014

Davis is 8 months old!

Here's our 8 month old big boy!  He is still wearing mostly 24 month/2T clothing.  Some of the shorts are a little long and I'll roll them up once, but his torso is really long and the tank tops fit perfectly.  Cal was wearing these clothes when he was about 12-16 months.  I think I'm going to have to put a lock on my fridge when these boys are teenagers.  (This always makes me think of Sooz saying that she threatened putting the lock on when Mitch came over.  She'd fill the fridge and within two days, he would have eaten through everything.)
Davis loves food!
Chocolaty spatulas.
Davis eats whatever we eat now.  He prefers table food and will rarely take anything I give him that is on a baby spoon, in fear that it is actually baby food and not something that we are all eating!  He is a little Pigpen when he eats and gets extremely messy. 
Davis has had a rough patch with teething this last month.  He's got two bottom teeth that are fully in and his top two incisors have broken through now, too!  He will have fangs!!!  One of his top teeth is emerging, as we speak.    We've had some long nights lately.....that's all I'll say about that.  Ugh.
Davis would rather walk than sit.  I hold his hands and walk with him ALL. DAY. LONG.  When I try to sit him down for awhile so I can rest my back, he starts to fake cry and screams.  This kid needs to learn to walk independently soon.  Mama's back can't take much more of this!  lol. 
As you saw in the video, he tries to steer me towards the outdoors every single time he walks around.  He LOVES going outside, as do I, but maybe just not all day long.  
Davis loves to ride in his buggy.
Our talkative little guy is babbling and shrieking.  He loves to have conversations with you.  He's starting to try to pull himself up and MAYBE crawl from the sitting position. 
Big D is reluctantly practicing his crawling.  He usually just collapses and then rolls everywhere to avoid getting on all fours.....and then screams until we walk him around.
The boys helped me coupon on Sunday....not awesome.  The fact that they entertain each other, laugh with each other, and love each other so much IS awesome.
This sweet fella is all boy.  When he toots, he looks directly into someone's eyes and laughs with you.  He loves trains, cars, and getting messy....but above all else, he loves doing whatever his big brother is doing. 

Catching up: the last 2 weeks

It's been extremely hot here the last few days, so we've been doing a lot of our outdoor play in the morning to avoid the heat. 
Sprinkler time!!  Davis loves to "run" through the sprinkler, too, which in turn means that I run through it.  He's so interested in water and will walk right up to the sprinkler and stand in the spraying water.
We had the Hermann's over for dinner on Friday and the boys all wore each other was wonderful.  :)  It was so fun catching up with Garth and Kieu.
"Hey, Ty.  'Sup?  Like my ride?"

Davis helped me water the flowers one morn.

We went to the Eck's house on Saturday and the kids wore each other out while we adults gabbed and caught up.  I walked downstairs at one point and found Ella, Carrie, and Cal holding hands.  They broke apart in laughter when they saw me.  Cal later told me that they were making him play a kissing game where he had to kiss "Elsa" from Frozen.  Oh my...

Davis and Auggie had some fun, too.  I laughed so hard when I saw this. 

Cal sat on Ollie and said, "Ollie's a donkey and I'm Jesus."   Apparently he is picking up on some stuff his teachers are saying! 

Our neighbor gave us their son's old bike, which is practically like new.  Cal was so excited to pick out a helmet (he went with Planes) and a new bike horn.  He did really well, but lost interest after about 15 minutes and wanted to collect Boxelder bugs.  Cal is really into catching bugs lately!

Sorry....I can't figure out how to make the videos right side up.
Someone else likes to ride the bike, too.  :)

The boys are HILARIOUS when they take baths together.  I can't even get mad at the mess they make.  I love watching them laugh with each other!!

I was cooking last night and gave Davis some pans and a colander.  Next thing I know, they had created their own game......lots of laughter!

Tony's visit and the 3-man tourney in Larned

The boys and I went out to watch the golf tournament on Saturday morning.  Mom was working the 7th tee box, so we set up camp with her.  Cal really liked the binoculars!  It was so cool that morn.....only in the 60's!?! 
The fearsome team....
 Mitch seriously almost made a hole-in-one on this hole!!!!!  It was amazing!
That night, we all went to the Pub in Lewis to eat.  Cal kept Tony busy!
These three boys have done some serious growing since last year!
Great Grandma was hunting for bugs with Cal.  She loves spending time with the boys and the feeling is mutual.
Grandma's tomato plants are huge!!!
"I'm not tired, Mama.  I don't need a nap."  Mmmhmmmm.
Cal helped Mom dig up potatoes and collect cucumbers out at Tim Schaller's farm.  He loved being a big helper.
Davis kept Remi company....and Remi ate all of Davis's puffs.  Fair trade.
We got back to Wichita on Monday and Tony flew home that night.  Before he left, we had a little photo shoot.
This is a good lookin' group of guys. 
They're just two boys who love Ninja Turtles...
The boys were so worn out from our trip that they laid on my bed together.  Cal was rubbing Davis's back.  So sweet.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


We read books in Cal's bed last night and he wanted to hold Davis while we read.  He then started singing him a lullabye.  I love these boys.
If you give a baby Cheerios....
....he'll throw them all over the kitchen and laugh.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cal's ear tubes and our life lately

Silly boy.  We go through at least two outfits a day and this is part of the reason why. 
We painted one morning and Davis loved it, too.  I had to watch him closely....paint brushes and paint apparently look like they'd be good teething tools.

Cal....the budding artist.

I couldn't even carry Davis upstairs to the bath.  I gave him one in the sink....check out the colored water! 

Lorelai and Wyatt came over later for some fun in the sprinkler and some ice cream.  Megan and I got to catch up.....such a fun day!
This is the only time he will actually sit and eat.....

Davis and I played with the bubble maker one day.  He was entranced by the bubbles.

He's debuting his second outfit of the day....playing peek-a-boo with the tunnel!

Davis was so excited when he discovered the fun noise this made!
Cal shared his popsicle with Big D.

Cal had his second set of ear tubes and an adenoidectomy on Friday the 11th.  He recovered well, but not as quickly as he did with his first set.  He's completely back to normal now, thankfully!!
Snoopy got to go into surgery with him.
While Cal slept after his surgery, Davis relished some free time and played with his big brother's trains.  He's all boy....loves cars and trains!

When Cal woke up, we went for ice cream.  The doctor ordered it....and we obliged....even Davis.


The boys played a funny game while we ate.
We took the boys for a walk this afternoon.  Davis loved riding in his buggy.  He was a natural navigator.
I think it's time for a big boy bike!
Cal got tired and decided to push his trike.