Monday, April 30, 2018

February Through Spring Break

I came upstairs to tuck the boys in and found Peach snuggled up with them.  So sweet!

Car seats have been protecting both my children and my liquor bottles since 2011.

Cal had a Breakfast for Moms one morning.  It was so cute and I loved spending time with my oldest baby.  He made me the cutest ceramic plate that I use for my jewelry.

I deep cleaned my van and was disgusted when I removed the carseats.  WTF is that....mold?!?!? 

Davis....ever the rule follower.  :)

I just WISH I knew which card was the Old Maid!!!!!!

  He needs to work on his poker face.   haha

Archie Mac loves his Peachy Pie!  (Also, Piper needs to work on her personal space!)

We met the Frieze family at the trampoline park one morning!

We ran into Evie and Ian Herrmann!

These dogs ate so much snow that day?!?!? ha

We spent our snow day in my bed watching movies.  Coco is so cute, btw.

Archie was fighting so hard to stay awake.  :)

He didn't last long!  ha

We made a table fort later that day.....

....then onto Legos!

If you've ever wondered what the inside of a golf ball looks like, Rocky just helped answer your question.

Facetime with Uncle Tony for his bday on yet another Snow/Ice Day for us!

On the second Snow Day, I set up the tent in the dining room and trapped....I mean, gently guided them inside.  :) 

Big ol' handsome brute.

Davis wanted to eat oatmeal (dry?!?!?!) but he spilled it on the carpet.  He was trying to be sweet and clean it up without then we had dog-hair filled oatmeal.  Blah.  Threw that away quickly....

Facetime with Mimi for her birthday!

Davis developed a strange tic in February.  He would blink really hard and tilt his head to his shoulder, seemingly unknowingly.  I was worried and wanted to get everything checked out.  I took him to the optometrist to rule out a vision problem...everything was fine!

Arch wanted to join in on the fun. 

These are my girls....they snuggle with me each morn in the chair.  (That's kleenex that they shredded in the background.)

Cal the point guard.  His dribbling skills improved so much this year!

Nell Moore and Davis will be in Kinder together!

Mimi and Papa came for the game and served as human jungle gyms.  :)

I volunteer for lunch duty when I can squeeze it in between my Speech sessions at work.  I love seeing this boy with all his buds.  He's so well behaved. 

Dentist time!  Clean bill of health.  Davis liked the "spit sucky thing".

Since I took them out of school early for their appointments, I took them to Ziggy's for lunch.  We ate pizza and salads.  It was so fun!

We went to the park next and it was unseasonably warm for February!

We got home and I guess Davis was thirsty.  ha

Sweet girls...

Grandma had taken Maggie off the streets about 17 years ago.  Maggie was such a great dog and loved being carried, fed tiny bits of food, and doing anything with her mom.  My folks had been keeping her the last 2 years, after Grandma moved into the assisted living house. 

The day finally came and Maggie was yelping in pain when she walked.  She was put to sleep in early March.  RIP, Mags!

I really like this picture.  I think of all the animals that I've loved over the years and I know they'll be waiting in Heaven for me!

School pics for the younger boys!

Silly Cal after bath one night....

It was so cold out....and it was 6:45am....but Archie the Golf Fanatic demanded his "Green!  Tee!  Golf Ball!  Hat!" 

He felt like such a big boy walking Ollie.  She's the best dog and has taught each of our boys how to both give and receive unconditional love from an animal.

Huh?!?!?  Arch man.

"I a montey!  Ooh oooh ahhh ahhhh!"

Final game of the season!

Cal had stayed the night at a friend's house on Friday, played an early Saturday morning game, crashed for a quick nap, then went to a jumpy birthday party.  He was so worn out!

Ol' Rocko!!!

I took the boys to the zoo one afternoon.  The weather was nice and we only needed jackets!

Yes, Davis is chasing Cal with a giant stick. 

Davis drew a picture of himself!!!

Cal drew a pic of Davis.  :)

Pizza Party with Cal's Bball team!

My sweet Archie is turning into a full fledged little boy. 

Tree climbing (with help from me)

Another day, another trip to the zoo. :)  We ran into Kerry Perrier and her friends!  Archie loves Kerry!

I ended my Friday night with my boys on the couch.  Mitch was on his way home from a golf game and we all snuggled up while we waited for him.

Yes, Archie is almost 2 in this pic and he still drinks milk from a bottle.  UGH.  He drinks everything else from a straw/cup/etc.....but he loves his "Milt!  Bottle!"  With the two big boys, I got rid of the bottle right when they turned one.  For some reason, I am letting my strong willed baby hang onto it and I'm powerless against his demands.  ha