Monday, April 13, 2015

Easter, storm season, and warm weather....

Now that the weather is so warm, we are never sitting inside....hence the big gaps between my posts!  We are always outdoors now-a-days! The pics will tell the tale....
Before Easter, we went to the Gillespies and dyed eggs. 

...and then the next day we went to an egg hung with the Gillespies!  :)

Davis loves Kristin!
Davis and Avery....future sweethearts?
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Cal and Ella....again, future sweethearts?  :)
The next night, we went to the Schmidts' house and the boys loved riding around in Milly's Mercedes! 


Sweet Milly wanted to give Davis a ride in her car.

I was trying to put Davis down for a nap one day and we were reading some books beforehand.  I looked out and saw the O-Bear staring at us from under the baby gate.  :)

We met Padraig at the park after school one day.  The boys were all so excited to run around and play together! 
We technically aren't supposed to feed the ducks, but since nobody was around we decided to do so anyway.   This is Cal sprinting towards the water with handsful of "illegal bread". 

He's a happy little bread thrower.
The boys picked some "flowers" for their mommies! 

Davis was so hot and sweaty afterwards!  I'm sure that heavy cast is really breathable.  :(

We've been taking the boys fishing at the golf course lately.  They LOVE it!

It was 87 degrees one day, so the boys and I ate some popsicles while playing outside.  Cal was loungin'!

We hit up the park afterwards and I was the lucky recipient of a "bouquet of flowers".  They may just pick me weeds, but they're the most beautiful weeds in the world.  :)

That night, I realized that Davis was having an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin that he was taking for his ear infection.  We've got another kiddo with a penicillin allergy.  :(

Unfortunately, his hives didn't get better until they got worse....much, much worse.  I stayed home with him the next day because they were soooooooo awful.

His hives started to look like bruises?!  A few days later, they began to yellow and fade just like a bruise.  So strange.

Cal was showing Davis his stunts while we played outside that afternoon.  I actually picked Cal up at noon from school so that he could come home and play with us.  He thought that was pretty special!

Sweet O-Bird.....STOP CHEWING UP STICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!  When we mow, it's like mowing over shrapnel because all of the little shards of sticks come flying out from underneath the mower. 

Davis likes to talk on the phone now.  So cute.
That night, we had an AWFUL storm.  We knew there was a chance, but holy moly.  Mitch and I woke up at midnight because of the loud thunder and lightening.  However, about 5 minutes later the wind came howling in and I seriously understood the "sounds like a freight train" part of being in a tornado.  The wind hit our house like a train.....for a solid 20 seconds, it was terribly loud and shook our house.  We sat frozen in fear, but because we didn't hear the sirens and we were so shocked, we didn't take the boys to the basement.  Once the wind died down and the hail stopped (it sounded like it was going to bust our sky light and windows ball sized!), we went outside to survey the damage.  Luckily the boys slept right through it.  We were without power for the next 12 hours.
This was just part of our fence that was damaged.  It was flapping in the wind, as were several other sections.  Many boards were broken or missing completely. 

It blew a section of our deck off?!
It ripped the gate off the side of our house.

It broke a large limb in our front tree.  What I didn't take a picture of was all the trash and recycling that was strewn all over our neighborhood.  Of course, we all had our full bins out for pick up the next morn....and they were completely emptied.  The crazy part is that we only found a little bit of the trash....the rest just disappeared in the wind.  It was just gone. 

Our neighbor's trees were demolished.  This was a common scene around our neighborhood!

It doesn't look like this trampoline will be functional any longer.  It flew across 21st Street and landed in the bank parking lot.

We left for Larned on Friday afternoon.  As we drove, we saw how far the damage stretched.  This metal sign was bent backwards from the wind!!!

We saw several sections of telephone and electric poles like this.  They were snapped like toothpicks!

We got to Larned and the boys settled right in.  Peek-a-boo!

The boys were playing a fierce game of Slap Jack!

Aunt Susie came over and celebrated Easter a day early.  We enjoyed a nice family dinner together.  Davis looks like he's up to something.....

Boys....why do you look so tired and grumpy? it because you woke your mother up at 5am to watch cartoons?  Wonderful.  Happy Easter. 
The boys were playing with their new toys from the Easter Bunny!
Time to hunt some eggs!!!


My beautiful Grandma Gatterman......

We broke out the bubbles when we got home that afternoon.


We went back to the park on Tuesday!  The Gillespie girls and the Walter boys have so much fun together!

We finally wrote on his cast, which hopefully will be removed next week!
Sweet Ollie Bird.....pile of paws.

Davis knows his shapes!

Let this beautiful pattern sink in for a minute.  These happy folks covered the shirt that I wore for 70's Day at School.  It was my mom's.  :)
I sported my Grandma Young's glasses, too.  Lookin' pretty groovy! (please note Davis in the background as he's trying to break into the liquor cabinet.)

Later that day (after I changed), I took the boys to the ENT.  Davis is getting tubes soon, but Cal's still look good.  They look thrilled to be there, don't they?

This silly boy wanted to read Hop on Pop while swinging.

I read a blog recently that said to have your kids take your picture every once in awhile.  That way they can remember you when your hair and makeup are done, and not just sloppily dressed with dirty hair.  :)  I was wearing workout clothes, but atleast I was made-up.  Cal snapped this pic.....pretty good aim!