Thursday, February 27, 2014

Our not-so-little 3 month old!

Davis is wearing all 9 month clothing and weighs about 17 lbs.  The Valentines Day shirt that he wore just a few weeks ago is way too snug on him and can't be snapped any longer.  He's like the incredible Hulk and just grows overnight.  I forgot how quickly babies grow! 
Big D is a great sleeper.  He goes down between 6:30-8pm (usually closer to 8) and sleeps until 3 or 4am!  Sometimes he'll wake up and need a diaper change around midnight or for me to put his paci back in, but generally he is just up once a night.  It's wonderful!  He wakes around 7am. 
He has started squealing loudly in between his soft coos when we talk.  It startles me sometimes, but he just laughs when he sees my reaction! 
We just love our happy little 3 month old sweet pea!  He is such a good baby.

Babies don't keep.  :( 
Both of ours are getting so big so quickly! 
I keep trying to get Davis's newfound skill of laughing on camera, but I can't quite capture it.  Each time he sees my phone, he freezes and is entranced by it. 
Cal was being guarded as he finished his granola bar.  These hounds....
The two sweetest moments of my day were as follows:
*  Cal was trying to help me get him to giggle (before he started eating, as he made clear in the video) by blowing on his feet.  He loves his baby brother and wants to hold him, give him kisses, and make funny faces to get him to laugh. 
*  When Davis was falling asleep, he wrapped his fingers around mine and then soothed himself enough to finally settle down tonight.  I didn't want to stop rocking him and could've held him for hours.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Another one bites the dust...

Me.  I bit the dust, and by that I mean "hugged the toilet" for a good 10 hours.   Mitch manned the household and I laid upstairs incapacitated.  Fortunately, Davis went to sleep very easily for me last night and slept well. 

When I picked Cal up from school, I told him I wasn't feeling well.  He told me, "That's ok, Mama....I'll protect you.   I'm gonna call an ambulance."  I just love his sweet little mind. 

Luckily I had a good nurse all day.  She was my sweet little companion.  I wish she would've been able to run up and down the stairs with fresh Gatorades and chicken broth, but instead she laid beside me all day in bed and ate soda crackers between naps.  Pretty perfect dog.

This big galoot even came up to nap with us for awhile.  (I was washing all the bedding to get rid of my flu germs.)
I'll post tomorrow with pics of Davis's 3 month photo shoot.  I actually had to cancel his pictures today because of my flu, but I can easily reschedule them.  I took a few around the house of our ever-growing baby.  Cal's not-so-little brother is following in his footsteps, size-wise!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Our talkative D-man

Davis is starting to grab and hold onto toys.  Everything immediately goes into his mouth and if it doesn't, then he'll settle for his hands.  He is much more of a mouther than Cal was.  He loves to smile and talk now and is starting to throw in an occasional shriek for good measure.  D is changing so quickly and I hate that he spends more of his day with his daycare ladies than he does with us, but I know he's in good hands.  Summer is just around the corner and I can't wait to spend it with my boys! 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Feb. 22......the day Cal ate hand sanitizer and puked.

First off, I need to wish a Happy 30th birthday to this goofy guy.  Love you, Tony!  I hope you have a great birthday!! beautiful Mama's birthday is tomorrow.  I hope she has a day full of love and laughter.  I love you, Mom!!!

Cal was supposed to be napping this afternoon.  I walked in and immediately noticed that the room smelled like it had just been cleaned.  He had pumped out hand sanitizer all over the table and then told me that he had eaten it.  I flipped out.....and finally got him to describe and show me how much he ate.  He promised me he'd only eaten "one bite".  The Poison Control hot line and ER nurse (via the phone) told me just to watch him and if he threw up more than twice then we needed to bring him to the ER.  Luckily, errrr as lucky as one can be when they puke, he only threw up once and then acted fine so no ER trip was needed.  Parenting Notice:  even when your child acts like they are responsible around sanitizer, don't leave them unattended with it.  I felt terrible that I'd failed him and left it within his reach.  Thank the Lord things weren't any worse than they were.

We play around with words and call each other food names (odd, I know) to be silly.  His favorite one to say is "broccoli salad".....which is what he's saying and giggling about in this pic. 

Sweet baby Davis.

I love this picture. 
We couldn't get Donnie to join the photo opp.
Ollie just wouldn't take no for an answer.
Cal loves his Valentines card from cousin Tessa!  He opens it and has a daily
mini-dance session.

Mitch was walking over to give Cal a carrot and Ollie jumped up and knocked it out of his hand.  We laughed so hard about it that Cal wanted to give it a try....over and over and over.  Pretty funny.
Our little man wore a fitting shirt last week.  I couldn't agree more, sweet D.



Tuesday, February 18, 2014


This is what we endure at each meal.  Blind ol' Donnie sits in his "cave" under the table and ever so gently lays his big mallet head on our laps.  If we ignore this sweet gesture then he ups the ante and starts pawing us.  Fat Ollie Bird goes straight for the food with gusto.  She "Captain Hooks" us with her paw and will even drag it down slowly, just to ensure that you feel her furious need for a bite.  Dogs.  It's a good thing they're cute.

Yes, I am eating dinner in my PJ's.  You mean you don't immediately jump into your pajamas when you get home? 

Please notice the furrowed brow and simultaneous death stare.  Ollie means business when it comes to table scraps.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Weekend fun

Cal went to his first real birthday party with all of his friends.  He had so much fun!  The party was at My Gym, which is a favorite spot of his, and he ran and played with his classmates for two hours (bless the My Gym workers for entertaining our kids so the moms could chat!).  He was exhausted afterwards and fell asleep on the 5 minute car ride home. 

It was about 60 degrees on Sunday so we took the boys to Riverside Park for the afternoon.  Cal ran his little heart out and played with al his "new friends".  
Davis was tucked warmly into his stroller and eventually took a good snooze.  Don't his eyes look bluish in this pic?  They vacillate between deep blue and brownish hazel, almost daily.  Today was a hazel day, for the record.

Cal was so much more adventurous at the park than he was in August when we last visited.  It was fun watching him explore, but we also stayed nearby with our arms ready for a quick catch!

Without any hesitation, he climbed the ladder to the top of this slide and went all the way down.  A few months ago, he would've needed some encouragement to do this!


Cal was chasing me in this pic.  Funny kid.
The boys got all cleaned up.  Davis is easy to wash in the big tub.  I just hold his head and he floats in the water, soothed by the warmth.  He is such a mellow baby!!

Cal came home saying this today.  His teacher read them a book about ducks or something and he really liked this part.  :)


Friday, February 14, 2014

We eat Jayhawks for breakfast.

Mitch went to watch the Wildcats play the Fictional Birds on Monday night, so I manned the fort while he was gone.  I got both boys in bed and asleep before 8pm.   My back was sore from all the patting on it that I did afterwards.  Is it strange to give yourself a high five?  I didn't think so.

We WON!!!!  The fans rushed the court and I scared our dogs from all my yelling and cheering.

 I am so proud of the Cats!  Here is a picture of our purple cult that morning.   On Sunday night after his bath, Cal saw the clothes that I'd laid out for him to wear in the morning, so he insisted on wearing this outfit to bed, then to school, and then to bed again.  I drew the line at the 36 hour mark and made him change.....into another KSU shirt.

He loves K-State so much that he says he wants to wear his "K-State pants" every day.  To remedy this situation, I have to call all his pants "K-State jeans, K-State grey sweats", etc.

Here is Paul Bunyan's outfit from last week,   I got an email at 3pm on Thursday, reminding me that he kids were supposed to dress as a fairy tale character on Friday. Um, what?!  I went into panic mode and decided that even though Cal had never heard of Paul Bunyan, that is who he was going to be.  Luckily he liked what he saw on YouTube that night and was all about Paul Bunyan.   He didn't want to wear the suspenders I made him.  Oh and his axe looks bloody.  It shouldn't.

I went back to work on Monday and Mother Nature helped make first day back enjoyable by adding 4" of snow to the 9" that were already on the ground.  Nothing like running late and maneuvering through the snow packed roads.....Happy Monday, indeed.   I actually wasn't dreading going back because I love my school, but I hate leaving my baby somewhere for the entire day.   Hate it.  Cal needs to get his energy out, so daycare is great for him.  Little Davis just needs to be held by his Mommy.  All day.  The end.

We hadn't cleared a pathway on the deck for the dogs yet.  They had to tromp through the snow mounds to go outside and do their duty.  Poor, neglected pooches.

 Cal helped us put together our new bar stools.  Notice his outfit.  Please refer to the "purple cult" paragraph for an explanation.

Ollie, aka Nana, is insistent on giving kisses....usually in/on his open mouth.

Here's two of my three Valentines.  Approximately 10 seconds after this photo was taken, Davis pooped up his back.  I wanted him to wear that shirt to daycare so I washed it quickly and dried it.  Apparently he hated the outfit because he had a repeat performance while at daycare.  Hint taken, Davis.

Random story: I went to Apricot Lane this weekend and tried on some tunics, etc.  I asked the clerk for her opinion and she agreed with me when I said a tunic and skinny belt highlighted my remaining baby belly.  She said that it'd “prob be gone in a few months, if I work at it”.  Ummmm...she is clearly not a Mom.  You never agree that a woman still has a flabby tummy.  In fact, Rule #1 of talking to a mom of an infant: you act like you're blind and can't even locate their abdominal area.  Moral of the story: ask another mom for their opinion when trying  on clothes.....not a bubbly teenager. :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Days!

We were warned about this storm and the meteorologists did a great job of predicting the snowfall amounts.  We ended up with 9"!  Mitch got a snow day, too!  It was fun having the whole family home, but we didn't go outside to enjoy the snow because of how sick Cal is this week.  Mitch went out to shovel the driveway yesterday at 4pm and an hour later we got 3 more inches.  ha!

My school was canceled on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Wichita Public Schools canceled again on Thursday!  Mitch and I saw this uplifting message on Wednesday night's news.

a Trip to Larned

January 29th was Kansas Day, so Cal's school dressed as cowboys.  So cute! 

Davis uses hash tags more than his Mama. 
#soadvanced  #cutiepatootie  #whatcolorwillyoureyesbe

I took the boys to Larned on Friday.  Mimi and Cal took a snooze together.  Can you see Bullet?  She is camouflaged in the blanket!

Time for trains!   He likes to make them crash into the cars "stuck on the tracks".

Davis was talking to Mimi and Great Gma.

Cal was excited that Papa was home and forced him to sit and watch a cartoon.
Cal found Tony's old Legos in the storage room.  He loves them!
Little Monkey in his gift from the Martins.

Cal had lots of fun with Papa this weekend.  We went to his office and he drew him all sorts of pictures.  He would yell out, "Look!  I drew a road, turtle, ambulance, etc!"  When Dad asked him to draw a cow, Cal said, "A cow's too hard to draw, Papa."  lol
He said he was "doing cross puzzles, just like Papa" on Saturday when Dad was doing cross words. 

Daddy was excited to see his boys on Sunday and vice versa!

Cal woke up on Saturday night with a terrible cough.  He was choking because of how hard he was coughing.  Mom sat/slept in the chair with him for a few hours in the middle of the night since I was up with Davis.  She's such a good grandma!  Unfortunately, his cough only got worse.  We were up for most of Sunday and Monday nights.  Mitch slept in the chair with him one night.  I took him to the doctor on Monday and it's just viral so we basically have to wait it out.  His cough has turned more productive and his nose isn't quite as runny, but he runs a fever off and on.  I think he's finally on the mend.....fingers crossed.  Poor kiddo!! 
We've had snow days on Tuesday and today....and will tomorrow, too!  It's been great for Cal because I wouldn't have sent him to school anyway.  This is my last week of maternity leave, so at least I won't be docked pay on these days.  :) 


Silly boys

Does anybody want  to view another baby coo'ing video?'re in luck.
It was a one person dance party at dinner!
We had a mildly warm day last week so I took the boys on a walk.  I Baby Bjorn'ed up and Cal wanted to ride his trike.  He only made it to the end of the street before he changed his mind.  :)  I left his trike in our neighbor's yard and we went onward.  Yes, I am wearing Mitch's coat.  Davis was warm and toasty in it!