Thursday, March 26, 2015

Spring Break 2015

I had a great Spring Break with the boys!  We kept busy, but managed to squeeze in plenty of relaxation, too. 
On Monday, March 16th, I took the boys to the zoo first thing in the morn....along with every other Spring Break family in Wichita!  We missed most of the crowd since we left at 11:30am, but it was getting pretty packed. 

I love peacocks!  They're such beautiful animals.

I love watching this boy skip.  :) 
(I'm sorry that I don't know how to make this upright?!?)
They saw the geese and wanted to stop to talk to them.   Cal pulled out a name for them that I'd never heard him say....."hissy ducks"!!!!   So clever, that one. 
After Davis's nap (Cal opted to resist naptime and instead we played outside), we went outdoors to hunt for roly polies.....half naked, of course.  It was about 83 degrees out that day, so we all got a tan and our Vitamin D levels were replenished for the day. 


Davis helped me fresh, spring time plants.  :(

Cal collected roly my nicest Tupperware!
Later that afternoon, we ran a quick errand.  Davis chowed down on some popcorn.....

....and Cal fell asleep while eating his sucker.  Standard "No-Nap-Cal" move. 
Zogs and I went to KC on Wednesday to visit all the sweet new babies!  
Vivi Baker: 2/7/15
Joe Grauer: 2/21/15
Evan Tatro: 2/10/15

The boys and I lounged in our jammies most of the day on Thursday.  Cal really loves Ollie and she seeks him out, too. 
Davis wanted in on the chair party.  Cal wanted to cover Ollie up so that she wouldn't get cold!
We went outside later that afternoon.  Davis is sporting his usual drool accessory.  He is sooooo drooly lately....the front of his shirt is always soaked!
Cal was looking for the bunny under the bush at the park.

Davis kept peering under the bush, but didn't venture underneath.

No big deal.....just a one year old chowing down on three fig newtons at one time.  #pigpen
Throwing rocks....
Cal knocked down the horn!

Action shot!

He wanted to "be a dog", so he followed Ollie around the park on all fours, even scratching and smelling the grass patches that she did.  :)

He's getting stronger and can make it to the second bar now!  He loves to drop down afterwards.
On Saturday, Mitch played golf with some friends.  The boys and I played outside and when we came in for lunch, I cooked and the boys did this.  Made a fort and took the couch cushions off so they could stand/run on the couch.  Little did I know, this play time would lead to.....
.....a fracture on the lower end of Davis's humorous.  :(  He fell off the couch and apparently landed wrong.  I didn't even see him fall since I was cooking.  I felt (feel) just awful, but I know that I can't watch them all the time.
I took him to Doctor's Express at 9am on Sunday morn (yes, we waited a day....another negative on our part) and they confirmed the fracture AND told me that he had a double ear infection.  
I really felt like mother of the year.
 An arm fracture can't hold this boy down!!!!  #toughguy
On Monday, we had to go to the orthopedic surgeon and Davis was HILARIOUS in the waiting room.  He ran around and entertained everyone and was soooo silly with Mitch!!!
He kept bending backwards and laughing so hard.
He wasn't laughing after they casted him, though.  Poor guy.  It was also nap time, so he was furious and just wanted to get the heck outta there.  He'll be in it for a month.

Davis now has a built-in weapon to use against his brother and those that interfere with his day-to-day life.  lol
He's testing out his right handed skills......does he have any other choice?!?  I feel so sad watching him try to pick up toys or food.  He is so restricted that he doesn't even have a pincer grasp with his left hand.
Look at these sweeties.
We had an unexpected hail storm yesterday.  It was crazy!  It covered the ground like snow.  The boys ran out to get a handful and eat it.  lol.
Cal drew the best whale today after school!  It was pretty spot on.
Here's his shark!  Another masterpiece, in my eye.
Davis isn't thrilled with taking baths by himself and not having full use of both splashing tools......aka, his arms. 
Our little dancers....
This little stinker is so darn funny!  When he asks for a sucker, he tongue clicks.  If I say no, then he'll usually move onto, "sssssss", for Sixlets.  If I say no to that, he'll say, "mumums", for M&M's!  He's also learning how to say "candy".  I think another one inherited Mama's sweet tooth.  Whoopsie daisies.
He really likes to play with the stick that we keep in our back door.  He usually "fishes" with it in the dog water, but he really likes to slam it on the hardwood floors now.  Not good for the floors....but good for a laugh.  :)
Last one.....Davis LOVES music.  He throws his arms in the air and sways from side to side.  It's hysterical. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Catching up: the last few weeks

Some of my girlfriends and I went to dinner one Thursday night.  Lots of laughter with these two...
Mitch put the boys to bed.  I snuck in to see my sleeping babes.  Davis was snuggled in his blankets.

The next day we met Jenna and her boys, Hadlee and Tate, at the park. Davis wanted to do everything that the big boys were doing!

Kristin and her girls came over on Sunday.  It was so beautiful outside!  Unfortunately, Cal had his first big tumble and both of his knees were bloodied pretty badly.

All cleaned up....still sore, but looking better!
He had a doctor's appointment for the eczema on his hands.  He was pretty certain the doctor would want to see his ouchies.  "It's a good thing I'm a big tough guy, because I'm all better now."
Cal was pouting in the gutter.  Davis joined.  What big brother does, little brother does.

Padraig and Cal were checking out the golf course.

Enjoying their "fort"....

On the first day of Spring Break (Friday), I took the boys back to Larned for the weekend.  We took lunch to Mimi and the boys had a blast running around the high school. 
The dogs met Sunny and they were instant buds.
Donnie wanted to play so badly, but he couldn't keep up with Sunny's energy.  He eventually just sat in the yard and let her run around/on top of him. 
Cal loves dogs.  It looks like Sunny doesn't mind him, either!

Sweet, sweet picture of Great Grandma and her youngest great-grandson. 

Grandma and Dad joined us at the duck pond.  The ducks weren't too hungry, so the boys played on the playground instead. 

Davis had a lot of fun with Papa! 

Cal really likes to help his Papa cook on the grill.  :)

"When's lunch?"