Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Where's Cal?"

Every night around bedtime, Cal likes to play hide-and-seek.  He'll run around the house and Mitch and I say, "Where's Cal?  I bet he went to the grocery store/library/work/etc."  Then he'll reappear while sprinting around the corner and cackling as we act surprised that he's actually still in the house.  When he's in a little lazier mood, he simply lays down on the floor and hides his face.  This game of peek-a-boo can go on for awhile.  Fun for all!

Check out Cal's special new K-State tailgating chair from Grandma and Grandpa Gatt!  He really liked playing with Daddy's birthday card.  It plays music when you open it = new favorite toy!

He really enjoyed listening to Grandpa's headphones!
Cal didn't nap very long on Saturday so he was quite tired for the game.  However, he's such a die hard fan that he didn't want to concede to a nap because he didn't want to miss any of the game.  He was almost lulled to sleep when he rode on Grandpa Gator's shoulders.....but his alertness prevailed! 
Alas, that tricky Sandman got him later, while Grandpa rocked him on his lap during the game.

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