The Easter Bunny dashed in and out during our very busy weekend. We went back to Larned last weekend for Cal's baptism and Easter. During our visit, we got to spend a lot of time with family and fit in a few (few too many, in fact) great meals. Since Cal is eating more table food (I have to stop myself from saying "People Food" like I do with the dogs), he got a taste of Grandma Gatt's culinary creations. I'm doomed. I'll never live up to my mother's kitchen creations. We're currently surviving on leftovers still, but once they're gone my son will look at me for the fraudulent cook that I am. I'm dreading that moment, but until then Cal and I can continue our carefree mealtimes of feeding each other baby food. By the way, baby food bananas are amazing. I wish they came in containers like cottage cheese. I'd eat the whole thing.
He loves fruit and tried some strawberries for the first time......LOVE AT FIRST BITE!
Cal and his best bud like looking outside together. In fact, Cal pulls himself up and stands all the time now. He even pulls his hands back to test his balance. After a few seconds of independence, he gets a huge grin and starts giggling uncontrollably.
Cal was baptized on April 7, 2012 in the United Methodist Church in Larned. Great Grandma and Phyllis Foster, a dear and longtime family friend, came to witness the ceremony.
Aunt Susie and Tessa spent the rest of the day with us all and we had so much fun visiting, laughing, and playing with Cal. He loved Tessa and her long pretty hair.
We woke up on Sunday and the Easter Bunny had come and gone, leaving Cal some toys and an adorable pair of ears in his wake. Mitch just shook his head at me when I put these on his head. He was mortified for his son, but also couldn't stop saying how adorable he looked. Talk about speaking out of both sides of your mouth!! :)
This was my rocking horse when I was a little girl. Cal loved it!
Someone wasn't enjoying his ears by this point.
It is a family tradition that everybody must hunt eggs, no matter your age. For some reason, Mom and Gma are usually exempt, but I must say that I get a kick out of my giant father hunting tiny, colorful plastic eggs so I let their absence slide.
We definitely missed Tony this year, but he lives so far away that traveling for a weekend visit is tough. Perhaps the next Easter he visits, he will be subjected to a make-up hunt and have to search for all of the eggs that he's missed in the past years. :)
Congrats to Cal on his special day! Those ears are awesome, no matter what anyone says.