....and just like that, Cal is 5 years old.
Cal opened some presents the morning of his birthday, before we flew out for Washington.
He loves his Costa Rica book from Baba!
Davis was pretty excited about the Transformers and Nemo sticker book from Grandpa Walt and Gma Sooz!
Not every kid gets to fly on his birthday. :)
I posted this picture on FB and a friend of mine said, "He looks like he's 8!!!" Well....he is wearing size 8 clothing in tops and bottoms. His shoes are a size 1 or 1.5 in kid size. He's gigantic!
Cal is so sweet with Arch. I love this picture of them on the airplane.
Thank goodness for ipads!! The boys love the movie Zootopia!
Mitch's carry-on....
Mom's carry-on.....
The boys were excited to be out of the airplane!
We stayed at the Davenport Historic in Spokane, WA. It was beautiful!!!!!!!
We celebrated Cal's bday that night at dinner. He chose a carrot cake for dessert. Tony was going to push Cal's face in his cake, but I pulled a "trick play" (as Cal would say) and pushed Tony's face in it instead. lol.
Tony gave Cal a beer moustache to match his own. lol.
The next morning, the guys all went golfing. Mom and I took the boys to a really awesome kid's museum. We spent all morning there and then ate Red Robin.
Funny statue at the hotel....
That night we ate at South Perry Pizza. Davis and Papa were goofing around while we waited for our food.
On this day, we were walking down the hallway in the hotel and Davis was sprinting ahead of us. We rounded the corner and didn't see him, but assumed he had turned another corner so we didn't worry. Well, we couldn't find him. We soon realized that he had gotten on the elevator without us! We had no idea which button he had pushed, so I got on and went to every floor and yelled his name. I got to the lobby and thank goodness a security guard had found him wandering around on the 2nd floor. I've never been a fan of those parent/child leashes, but this is one kid that might actually need one. UGH.
The next morning, this kid woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 5am Spokane time. Damn you, time change!!! For this reason, he and I walked around the hotel and explored. I stopped by Starbucks first and got a giant coffee and this munchkin got an apple juice and a muffin.
While we walked around, he said, "I want to find those pretty stairs." (The ones that the security guard had walked him down.) When we got to the 2nd floor he said, "Huh. Looks like my buddy not here today!" Good grief.
Here are some pretty pics that Davis and I took that morning....
The Rehearsal Dinner was at a place called the Steam Plant. It was an old factory with smoke stacks that we could walk inside of to explore. These pictures are from the actual Rehearsal and then the Rehearsal Dinner. They're all mixed up, but I'm too lazy to align them chronologically.
Here's a pic of the Steam Plant, taken from our hotel floor.
Davis loves Christina!!!
Archie was so tired!
On Saturday, we walked around the town a bit more. We crossed some huge bridges and through a beautiful park.
We got back to the hotel and were hoping that the boys would take a nap before the wedding. They didn't like that plan. Mitch left to go take pics with the rest of the wedding party, so I had all three boys and myself to get dressed.
As I was curling my hair, Davis tried to flush a giant pinecone (taken from the park that morn) down the toilet. I picked the pee-soaked pinecone out of the toilet and he said, "Mom, I love you......your hair looks stupid." Ugh....from the mouths of babes.
It was around that time that I cracked this baby open.
Then I came around the corner and found this.....both were asleep....and we were supposed to be downstairs in 10 minutes. Oh boy.
I tried to dress a sleeping child in his wedding garb, but he wasn't a huge fan of that....
....poor kid was so tired.
I had to take him down to the elevator in his undies and dress shirt b/c he wouldn't let me dress him in the room. He was supposed to be in the wedding pics in just a few minutes!
Beautiful couple!!! Misha's dress was gorgeous. It had a blush underlay and her shoes were also blush colored.
This pic CRACKS ME UP.
About 2 minutes after this picture was taken, Cal popped a Mento in his mouth and started choking! I had to do the Heimlich on him in the lobby. Poor guy!!!
Tilly walked down the aisle with her dad, Josh. The boys were close behind. :)
Tessa took this pic during the wedding. Cal was laughing at the preacher.
These two were so calm all day. It was a beautiful ceremony and they make such an amazing couple!
Jake's speech made me tear up. Tony and my folks did, too. He spoke such sweet words about our family and his time with us while we were growing up. It was very touching.
Mom had the magic touch and got Arch to sleep....for a bit. lol. He was passed around to all the women at the reception.
First dance!
Misha and her Poppy.....
Tony and Mom...
I wasn't expecting it, but he pulled me out to dance with him, too! It was very sweet.
Tony loves to throw Davis into the air....and I don't think Davis minds it, either. lol
Mitch asked Tessa and Susie to dance and said...."Let's get weird." lol
Davis was making me drink his water/punch concoction.
This was taken right before Davis stuck his finger in the icing!!!! That kid is a quick one! Thank goodness it wasn't too bad and we smoothed over the icing before anyone noticed.
More hotel pics:
Our neighbor, Jennifer, came over and watched the dogs for us while we were gone. She sent me this pic. I love it!
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