Monday, June 13, 2016

Arch is 2 months old!

Archie is becoming so alert lately!  He is a sweet baby who smiles and coo's at his brothers when they speak to him.  He already follows them with his eyes and takes in all of their rambunctious activity with wide eyes.  :)

Up until 2 weeks ago, Arch was the best sleeper.  He usually slept through the night and went to sleep around 7:30pm....woke at 7am.  Wellllll......then colic hit.  He has a stretch from 7:30-10pm each night where he cannot settle down.  I will get him asleep and lay him in his crib, only to go pick him up 2 minutes later because he's squirming and crying.  I thought it might be gas, and it may partially be to blame, but overall I think it's colic.  Knock on wood, last night was much better and he went to sleep around 8:30pm.  Maybe he's starting to grow out of it?!

Arch doesn't love tummy time, but enjoys sitting in his Bumbo chair, which is helping his neck strength improve.   

We love you, sweet baby!  Your smiles melt me and I love that you're starting to laugh!

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