Kristin and I took the kids to the new elephant preview last week! We saw the 5 or 6 new elephants and explored the zoo one morning.

All of JNA surprised Ms. Pam on her birthday and wore Royals shirts....her favorite team!
The boys have been sleeping in the same bed most nights. The upside: it's adorable. The downside: they inevitably get crowded and come into our bed at some point in the night. Mitch then moves to one of their beds, and we three sleep in the King size bed. It's such a messed up arrangement, but we know it won't last forever. :)

Mitch took this pic one night. :)
Sweet baby snuggles:
Since Cal doesn't nap anymore, Davis thinks he doesn't have to nap either. This usually leads to a late afternoon crash nap......EVERY. TIME.

When he put these headphones on, all I could hear in my head was, "franks and beans!". lol!!!
First T-ball practice for this guy! Mitch is helping coach with our friend, Mike Sullenger. His daughter, Lorelai, is on his team and Cal is sooooo excited!
I love our cat. I do. I do not love the fact that she brings in her "prizes" to show us her kills. I walked into the bathroom one night and stepped on was a pigeon carcass. I caught her red handed. ugh. If I have to choose, I guess I'd take a dead bird over a live rat or a maimed bunny. Eeeeek.
Donnie decided that he was too tired to do his upside down alligator on the couch.
We went out to Larned last weekend for the two youngest boys' baptisms. Davis wanted to sit beside Ollie girl.
Great Gma and Archie:
Gma and Archie:

Time to water the grass....
Sweet little man.
Archie's big brothers love to hold him!!!
Dad, Mitch, and Mike played in the Catbacker golf tournament.
Mimi got the boys some foam swords to play with. Epic battles ensued.

I love how Donnie curls up with a toy. He always has one up by his face or hidden safely under his paw.
Our sweet smiley baby has the best hair!!!!!
He's getting so long! I think he's going to be built like Cal and also has the same olive skin tone.
We always call him by his brothers' names...especially Davis. lol. You can definitely tell that they're all related!!!
Sometimes Arch makes a face and he looks soooo much like his daddy!

One content mommy...
This sweet baby is almost 2 months old. He sleeps through the night 90% of the time! If he does wake up, it's usually just once and then he sleeps until at least 7am. He's amazing. Thank you, beautiful boy, for being such an easy baby. :)
Baptism time! The boys did really well during the hour and a half church sermon. Davis ate 3 suckers and Cal had two. They each ate fruit snacks and had some other candy....but they sat and colored for most of the session. Good boys! Mitch did take Davis out near the end of the sermon to let him run in the hallways. He had sat still long enough. ha!
Story time with Papa...
Snuggles with Great Grandma and Maggie!
He fell asleep before I had even driven out of Larned!
Summer Break has begun for the boys! They will still go to school on Tuesday and Thursday, which gives me mom guilt for sending them, but I just can't keep them entertained enough with the baby in tow. They love JNA, though, and play with their friends all day.
First Monday of Summer Break! It has been so rainy here lately (averaging about 2"/day!), which is great, but we were getting cabin fever. Luckily, the rain ended and we went out to splash in puddles and play!
Time for some baseball!
"Argh, me matey!" - Davis
I hope these two enjoyed the 3 minutes that they got to push the kiddy cart. They sprinted away, cackling, and rounded an aisle before I could reach them. Maybe next time they'll stay beside me.....
My trusty little Ollie Bird. She's never far behind me, especially when I rock Archie to sleep. She did the same thing with the other boys. She's such a little dog ever.

Whose kid is this??!!?!? He cracks me up!
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