Arch lives up to his name and frequently arches his back. lol
The girls were talking about what sports they like to play. Cal told them that he liked all the sports and then Davis said....."I be naked!" lol
"I found a rock that's shaped like Texas!"
I had the boys try on their wedding outfits to make sure they fit.
Davis said, "I've got pockets! Like daddy! These are my work pants."
THIS FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Arch dog is starting to fill out! His 3 month onesies are almost too short for his long legs. His feet poke all the way to the end when he stretches out.
I went in to cover the boys up and found them like this. :)
Cal loves to hold his little "Goo Goo Pants". That's what they call Archie now. ha
"Push us higher like Daddy! He pushes us very high!"
Arch has LOOOOONNNNGGGG fingers!
When the boys won't nap, I send them outside. :) Cal has understandly aged out of naps, but Davis refuses to lay down since his big bro doesn't. Awesome. Sometimes this leads to a 4pm nap crash, followed by a very grumpy Davis when he wakes up. Fun stuff.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Look at those lashes, though! My beautiful boy....
Archer is wearing the onesie from his Great Grandma!
Water vs. Nerf gun fight.....they make me laugh so hard!
Davis made an "underwear helmet". Cal said..."Um, there's a poop stain on those." Sure enough, there was. So gross. Atleast he had them on inside out?!??! ugh
Davis is finally starting to show interest in going #2 in the potty. On this day, I had to bribe him to go by telling him he could sit on the deck while he did it. He was sold. ha I'm sure our neighbors enjoyed the sight.
Since D went in the potty, we celebrated with Sno-Cones!
One month old....
*About 10.5 lbs.
*Lengthwise, he's almost grown out of his 3 month sleepers
*Sleeps soooo much during the day, but nighttime is hit or miss
*He loved being swaddled for the first few weeks, but LOATHES it now. I bought a Merlin's Magic Sleep Suit and it's helped some! The arms are slightly weighted, but he can still move them all around. They just help slightly lessen his startle reflex.
*He's SMILING and it melts our hearts!

These kids.....they stole the cookie dough off of the cookie sheet while my back was turned.
We had a huge thunderstorm one evening and these were some of the hail stones. No damage....just several inches of much needed rain!!
I took the boys to Larned last weekend. Mitch had meetings in KC on Thursday and Friday and stayed the weekend to golf with his friends.
Watching Rango downstairs.....
Great Grandma and her great-grandsons took such a sweet picture! She was dismissed from the hospital the following week. She's adjusting well to being home and has a nurse that comes by for a few hours each day. Mom goes over daily and Dad is always checking on her and stopping by to see her.
The boys found Tony's old arcade game and loved it!
He was outside for 2.5 seconds before he dunked his head in the pool This kid...
New bubble machine!
He wanted to pump milk, too. lol
He told us he had "Garth hair"! Garth's hair isn't this funny!
Field Day 2016!
Cal vs. Mason in the relay....
Davis and Marley
He made a basket!
I took the boys to the Nature Center on Friday morn. It was getting quite warm already, so they went shirtless. They took a break to have a little sword fight. :)
Check out all of the turtles! The fish, turtles, and geese loved the bread we brought. Davis kept saying, "Enjoy your lunch, turtles!"
The boys brought me breakfast in bed! So sweet!
The boys painted their birdhouses on Mother's Day morning. It was raining outside so we spent some time painting!
I'll always be able to tell which house was made by which kiddo. lol
It was a wonderful Mother's Day!!!
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