Saturday, August 26, 2017

Our amazing vacation in Manitou Springs!

We drove to Manitou Springs to meet the Walter clan!  It was so fun being able to hang out, let the kids run outside, explore nature, and take our time visiting with everyone. 

We met Lily, Gabs, Gpa Walt and Gma Sooz in a park when we first arrived.  The kids immediately took to each other like old friends! 

We walked into town and got ice cream for the littles.  One of our many ice cream trips...

We got unpacked and hung out before ordering pizza for the night.  It was so fun seeing the kids play together.  These cousins were absolutely precious together. 

Arch loved this old telephone!

Unfortunately, Arch continued his pattern of sleeping horribly when we travel.  He was up at 3:45am.....for good?!?!?  I finally got him to settle down around 5am, but then I took him on, what would become, our morning routine.  We walked for over an hour each morning, just to stop from waking up the other people in the household.

When on vacation, one must dress the touristy part....

The first full day we were there, we went to the Garden of the Gods.  It was amazing!  We loved viewing all the rocks, but the trails were seriously my favorite part.  We were able to explore and just take in the scenery.

This is one of my favorite pictures.  Ever.  See that little girl running far away in the picture?  That would be Gabs.....Lily had to book it to catch her!  Of course our boys had to follow in hot pursuit.  HAHAHAHAHA

Gah!  She is seriously so stinkin' cute.  I love her little personality and grin.  This little beauty fit right in with our boys.  Love her. 

Cal's pose.  😆

We came home and rested afterwards.  After a few hours, the kids were ready to go to a park!  We spent an hour or so there.  The kids loved drinking the spring water, which Mitch called "Energen Water"'s a Power Rangers thing.  ha 

We eventually walked into town and got some more ice cream.  :) 

At one point, Gabs said she was hot and took off her shirt.  Davis is always a fan of being shirtless, so he quickly followed suit. 

These November 26th babies are so similar.  Their olive skin, their wavy hair, their ornery grins and activity levels, etc.  Adorable!

Gabs played with Archie so well.  He really loved playing trains with her.

Lily and I played catch with the kids before dinner.  Lil was really caught off guard by Davis's arm!  haha

This was the house we stayed in.  Thank you SO MUCH to Grandpa Walt and Grandma Sooz for renting it for all of us to stay in together.  It was such a wonderful vacation spent with family!!!

On another morning walk, Arch and I went past this house and this dog barked at us.....from on top of the roof!  ha

Here's a little lake we stopped at one afternoon.  We fished and between the rain! 

We stopped on the way back down the mountain to view the scenery.  

I love this pic of Gabs!!

Arch really enjoys tormenting his brothers.  ha

Since Archie woke up every day by 5am, I had to find something to do with him so that he didn't wake everyone else in the house!  We were getting ready to go for our morning walk, when I opened the door and found this little visitor!

I pushed his stroller waaaaaaaaay up the hill to view The Manitou Incline.   It looked so amazing, but we will do it another time....

One day we went to a little town and spent the day doing various things. 


.... played on the playground.

...played in the creek.

Meanwhile, back in Larned, my folks were watching our dogs.  These animals always just make themselves right at home.  ha

We walked through downtown to get to the restaurant for dinner that night.  Gabs rode with us.....oh the looks we got from people because they thought we had four kids under the age of 6!  ha!

Strong Uncle Mitch couldn't say no to carrying all three kiddos!

On our last night, the kids battled Mitch and Lily in a board game!!

We stopped in Larned to pick up the dogs on our way back.  Ollie girl was so excited to see us!  She climbed up and sat on Cal's lap for part of the ride.  :)

With about an hour to go in the drive, Davis decided that he couldn't take it any longer.  He was so tired (and grumpy and overly exhausted), so he hid under his blanket and FINALLY SLEPT!

Do you think our dogs were excited to see us?!?! 

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog posting !!! Thank you Linds for all your hard work making our amazing trip so memorable.
