Archie Mac is 3 months old!
When Arch smiles really big, he gets a crinkle across his nasal bridge. It's so cute!
Now that he's starting to fill out, I can see that he's got a dimple on his right cheek, but I cannot detect one on the left yet.
Kind gross, but also funny:
When he's nursing and has a giant poop, he looks up and around like, "Who did that?!?!" Then smiles a humongous smile. lol

I took the boys to the zoo on July 1st before we drove out to Larned. Mitch played golf with his boss that afternoon and the temps were in the upper 70' the boys and I went exploring at the zoo. 70's in July?!?! We'll take it!
After 3 hours at the zoo, Mitch got home and we drove out west. I love how Davis crosses his legs! lol
We had to shoot off a few fireworks that night. The boys were so excited!
The next morning, we headed to Lewis for the annual 4th of July parade. Grandma was the Grand Marshall and she asked Cal to ride along with her and throw the candy. He was so thrilled!
The parade started off with a fly over from a crop duster. :)
Aren't they cute?!?! I love this pic.
The boys requested that the clowns make a balloon sword....about 15 times. For some reason, they kept popping? Who would've seen that coming!?!
Lunch at the Pub!
More fireworks! Davis fell asleep around 6pm (since he didn't nap), but we woke him up at 9pm so he could watch the fireworks.
They were watching a rocket shoot high into the sky!
After we had enjoyed a few brews and were in the holiday spirit, dad started digging into his old fireworks bin that's full of old,dangerous, and probably illegal fireworks. :)
Cal was helping Grandma open her bday present...a beautiful gold watch from mom and dad.
What a fun Mimi! We took them to one of the elementary school playgrounds and the boys convinced mom to walk on the benches.
If this picture had video, you'd hear high shrieking and lots of potty talk.....which is why he's laughing so hard at himself. ha
We went to the Gillespie's house that night for the 4th. BBQ, fireworks, good was a great end to the weekend!
I love this gaggle of kiddos!
I love these girls!
The boys started swimming lessons at Halls Swim School on that Wednesday. They have Ms. Katherine all to themselves! They love it!
These do they sleep like this?!?! lol
They always end up in our bed and basically sleep on top of each other.
O my oh my....the family is so grand and the moments prescious. I love all these pictures of them ....looks like a really fun summer so far...I can't wait to join y'all