Friday, March 6, 2015

Davis is 15 months old!

Height: almost 33" (95th %ile)
Weight: 26lbs. and 11oz (92%ile)
Size: 2T and 3T tops, 2T bottoms
Size 6 shoes
Davis loves reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, his picture books, and flap books....although he tends to read about 2 pages of most books and then immediately chooses another off the shelf!   He can identify a circle, square, and triangle.  This little dude can say about 15 animal sounds,  has 15 words or more, runs instead of walks, is always missing one sock/shoe,  adores his big brother, and drops everything and dances when music plays.  He does this leg stomping move that is hysterical!
Davis is playfully nicknamed "Pigpen" because he loves to get dirty!!!

Even when he's filthy, he's still so darn cute.


We love our playful little pistol of a boy.  He fills our days with laughter and love!

Davis can answer yes and no questions, both with his head shakes and words.  Recently, my most favorite animal sound that he makes is "grrrrrrrrrr" for "What's Donnie say?"  lol.

Davis's School Pic from February 2015. They provided the outfit:

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