Saturday, January 21, 2017


In August, I took Donnie into the vet because his eyes were really bothering him.  His poor blind eyes had developed terribly painful glaucoma, seemingly overnight.  The pressure in his eyes should be less than 15 psi and his were at 35 psi.  😟  Our vet actually recommended that we have his eyes removed or put him down.  I was blindsided....not ready to make such a major decision.  I asked if we could try eye drops and medicine first, which he of course said it was worth a shot.  Thankfully, these wonderful prescriptions bought us 6 more months with Donnie.  His pain was dramatically reduced, but I don't think it was ever truly gone.  Our big boy grew more lethargic and growly by the month, indicating that his pain was still prevalent.  In mid-January, it just hit was time to relieve him of his maladies.  I made the appointment for MLK Day so that we could take the boys to daycare and we'd have the whole day to ourselves.  It was horribly painful taking our big guy into the vet's office that morning, but I know he is free from his pain now.  Losing a pet is absolutely gut wrenching.....he was such a big part of our family.  Mama misses you so much, Big Don......"I love you so much" is what I whispered over and over into your ear as the veterinarian administered the medicine......and I couldn't have meant it more.  I held your big head with one hand and stroked your fur between your eye and ear.......whispered in your ear and comforted you.  I feel so guilty and almost like I tricked you....I hope you don't see it that way.  I miss you so much, big guy. 

We cremated our huge fur baby.  I picked his remains up the other day and he is now back home with us.  It was a very painful week, but we don't regret sending him over the Rainbow Bridge.  Our big guy was in so much was selfish of us to keep him around any longer.  I hope he understands our reasoning......

These are pics from early August 2016-January 2017:

Now these two can play with each other in Heaven.....sweet things. 

My sweet mallet head......Mama loves you. 

Donnie loved laying on the deck or in the grass under the tree.  He would stick his nose up into the air and sniff from side to side.  Although he was blind, his senses of smell and hearing provided him with so much information. 

I love the way dogs' paws smell.  With most dogs, they usually smell like Fritos or Doritos to me.  I don't know why.....but they always have.  However, with Big Don's paws, his were different.....they literally smelled like sweaty shoes.  hahahahaha  Always sweaty.

He didn't let anyone touch his paws but me.  He wouldn't let me trim his nails anymore, but he would let me hold his paws.

Oh how he loved water!!!  He could hear a sprinkler a half a block away and would walk quickly in that direction.  He would bite and fight the water stream......hysterical!

I took a nap one day when I was off from school but the boys weren't.  These fur babies joined me.  I had to lift Donnie onto the bed and he loved the did I.

I loved how he curled his paw underneath his head like this.  We called him the "cat dog" because he could curl into a tight ball....all 73 pounds of him. 

This was taken in early January.  His eyes were starting to bulge out again and the redness never fully faded.  His eye drops were no longer working effectively. 

I wanted to take the dogs on one more walk....just me and them.  Just like I did when we lived in Texas and it was must me and them after school.  These dogs are members of our family.......sweet things.  However, Cal asked to join us and I of course said yes.  Our boys really loved Donnie, but he was never cuddly with them.  He was scared and fearful because they were so busy and loud....always moving and wrestling.....and he never knew where they were going to land.  Yet, he would still give them big kisses and play with them when he was in the right mood.  lol

I loved his speckled ear.

Grawning.....growling and yawning.  :)

He really did some work on his toy on Sunday!!! 

This was the last picture I took of our sweet guy.  It was about 2 hours before we took him in for his appointment. 

January 16, 2017:
My big mallet head.  My big Bubba.  My big panda bear.  I will miss stroking your velvety ears and smooching your giant muzzle.  You were a giant disaster at times, but you were our disaster.   We showered you with love and I hope you know how big of a part of our family you were.  I hope you know that you provided us with so much joy, entertainment, and laughter.  You were one of a kind.  I keep turning the corners in our house, expecting to see you laying there....slightly growling.  Harmless of course, but growling nonetheless.  I hope that you are whole again in Heaven.  Running free with no backaches or hip pain.  I hope your knee is healed.  I hope you have the keenest of sight and you can bark all day at the squirrels in Heaven's trees.  Lay outside and sun yourself in the grass, big boy, for we will miss seeing you in ours. 

I love you, big guy.   

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Christmas Break and the New Year

On Christmas Eve, the boys opened their gifts from Grandpa Walt and Grandma Sooz!  They were so excited!

Grandma met the Claus's.  :)

Cal was helping Mimi peel potatoes for Christmas dinner.

EARLY Christmas morning, Arch woke me up and was a ball of energy.  I played with him in the basement while we waited for everyone else to rise.  I made some coffee, got him some graham sticks, and we waited.  The boys actually slept til 7:30am.....then we began the Christmas festivities.

WOW!!!!!!!  Nice work, Dad!!!!

They love reading the Comics with Papa!

We had a crazy storm mid-Christmas Day.  The wind picked up and we had 80mph straight line winds.  Look at the limbs down in the front yard!
The backyard lost a giant limb and part of the fence.  SO STRANGE!!!!!!  No snow on Christmas.....just a severe thunderstorm.  lol

Great Grandma and her boys

I raked the front yard one morning while Arch napped.  The big boys were my helpers.  :)

When we got back to Wichita, I sent the boys to school for a day.  We had to pay for it anyway, so why not?!  I took down the Christmas decorations in the morn and then pulled the big boys out of school early.  We ate lunch at Freddy's and then went to watch SING at the theater.  :)

SING was so cute!!!!!!!!!!  It was a great afternoon with the big boys.

We took a trip to the zoo the next day and 3.5 hours later, I had successfully worn the boys out!  lol

I love this pic.  Davis fell asleep that night while watching a cartoon in my bed.  Ollie is such a good dog....and a good pillow.  :)

Misha and Tony flew in for NYE.  It was so nice spending time with them!  Lots of laughter!

Arch crawled in and pulled himself up....wanted to help Davis go #2.  lol  #moralsupport

It was so funny watching the grown men play with the kids' toy.  At one point, Mitch said, "I'm so glad that our children are enjoying this gift as much as we are."  hahaha  For the record......that baseball hitting machine is pretty darn fun!

He loves looking out their front door!

We went to the Larned bar around 9:30pm.....

...and were back in the basement by 11pm.  ha!  I didn't waste any time getting into my PJ's. 

Tony was doing his dinosaur impression.  :)

The weather turned warmer when we got back from Larned.  We took the boys on a long nature walk one day....even saw 5 deer!!!

My poor, sick baby.  He was running a 103 temp and had a horrible cough (like the rest of us, but in babies it's always so much worse).  I took him to the doctor the next day and he had a URI and an ear infection.  He's feeling much better now!

Girl's Night Out!!!

Arch and I watched the snow fall one day.  I kept him home because he was still feeling so sick.  It was nice and quiet.....a very peaceful day spent with my babe.

Arch loves playing with Ollie!

One Friday, I took the boys to the Trampoline Park.  SOOOOO fun!  They jumped for over an hour and then finally conceded to their hunger and exhaustion.  lol.  We will definitely go back again. 

Kareem Abdhul Cal.

Here's our happy, extremely ornery, squirmy, nearly walking 9 month old!

I love listening to Cal cheer him on.  He's the sweetest big brother. 

Davis loves practicing his baseball swing!  I didn't catch it on film, but he got the hang of it and was really making good contact!

When it's 64 in January, you go outside and play.  :)