Friday, December 23, 2016

December festivities

We went to Botanica's Illuminations with the Gillespies this year and it was beyond beautiful.  The kids had so much fun running and exploring while we caught up with each other.  It got COLD by 7pm, so we left after about 1.5 hours.  

I didn't get cards sent out to everyone this year.  I posted it on FB instead and called it good.  πŸ˜³. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas....through social media.  πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸΌ

We made pudding cookies one Friday.   I turned around and instead of tasting the dough like I told him he could, he picked up a whole ball to eat.  πŸ™„

Arch wanted in on the Walter brother wrestling match.   

My present wrapping assembly line....

They wrote their letters to Santa and we dropped them off in the designated Santa mailbox nearby.  A week later, we received Santa's responses!!!!

We introduced the boys to Home Alone and it has been a BIG hit this Christmas season!!! πŸ˜‚

The big boys like to talk to Arch while he bathes.  Also, they think it's funny that he grabs his peepee now.  #boyhumor

Arch is 8.5 months old and such a character!  He has a great smile that causes a crinkle in his nose and his left eye to squint.   It's adorable!!

Our little drummer boy

Rub a fun dub....Cal looks like a man in a tub.  πŸ˜³

The next week, I had to run a few errands in Bradley Fair so we stopped by the gorgeous tree for a photo.  The boys threw a few coins in the fountain while we were there.  Cal wished for two things: "that Harper would love me and that a bird would poop on my head like it did to Miss Anita."   (Contrastingly adorable choices, Cal.  πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚)

Then this happened.  Mitch was playing poker on a giy's night and stayed at our friend's house.  In the middle of the night I stumbled in to nurse Arch, apparently half awake, and tripped over the ottoman.  I crashed face first into Archie's crib. I have always heard that you see stars when you get hit hard, and I definitely saw bright lights.  I don't think I totally blacked out but I laid there for awhile!  I took this pic when I went back to bed....
....and then this one the next morn...

....and this later that week.

Then Davis stood in the chair (even though we always tell him not to) and fell against the wall.   We had similar ouchies.

It was 1 degree with a windchill of -20 that night, so we made smores!

Even though the temps were painfully cold, the boys wanted to play in the snow!

Cutie patootie!!!

My college friend, Brooklyn, flew in from Seattle.  Her kiddos are the exact same ages as ours!  We had a great time catching up!

These boys convinced us to let them open their presents from Grandpa Walt and Grandma Sooz before we left for Larned.   They were ecstatic with their gifts!

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