I cannot figure out why my blog won't let me add videos this time?!? I'll keep trying and will post them soon! In the meantime....
Don't all boys bite off their toenails?
Cal's soccer season was a fun one to watch! This year, allthe kids understood the game a bit better and had better accuracy in their skills. Cal understood the game and kept up with the game so well.
He is so heavy footed....like a big fridge running down the field, with all the verve and determination of an average sized child. This kiddo is so big! He's standing with children that are 6-12 months older than him in this photo. lol. I think he's going to be built like his Papa Gatterman!
The big boys wore their Ninja Turtle costumes to Target one day. I felt super safe with these tough guys by my side. ππ
I took the boys to Mason Frieze's birthday party one Saturday. Mitch and his friend, Billy, who flew in from Iowa, went to the KSU game.

The next morn, I was trying to entertain all three while we waited for Mitch to return.
Meanwhile, this one went rogue and I heard him yelling for me. He was stuck in an evergreen tree. That he'd climbed. Very high. (I didn't even know that he could climb a tree?!?!?). So like a good mom, I snapped a pic before I helped him down and checked him for ticks.
Archie Mac loves eating!!
While the two littles slept (I miraculously tricked Davis into napping), Cal and I had a lot of time to play together!
All the kiddos.....Raus and Walters.
We made up a game called "cup ball".
We built some amazing Lego cities.
We caught a praying mantis!
Once the littles woke up, we went down to our park. Mama took a cold beverage. No judging, please. ☺️
The next morn, Cal had a soccer game. Davis had a "run away from my parents, throw my toys all over, kick all the soccer balls that I can" game.
That afternoon, we took them to an Oktoberfest at a local school. They had so much fun playing in the bounce houses, eating cotton candy, and running wild. They were SO worn out that night!!
6 months old. How's that even possible?!?
He checked in at almost 18# and 27" long. Archie is such a smiley baby. He loves to laugh when we tickle him or blow on his tummy and armpits. He wants to be in his walker more than sitting on the carpet. Arch is finally rolling all over the place......all over!!! I love this sweet baby. He's such a blessing.....his big brother love him so much. Davis will give him pats on the head and lay beside him to do some "baby talk". Cal can get him to smile bigger than almost any other person. π
The boys and I met the Gillespie girls for one last Nature Walk before they moved to Hutch. We love that family so much and miss them so much already.
Arch wanted his paci back! π
We took the boys to Granite City that evening. Davis is most definitely wielding and waving a knife. Again, I took a pic before remedying the sitch. Lol
Joe Cool.
There was a big thunderstorm one night. Both boys came in, Mitch left and moved to one of their beds, Donnie came in terrified.......so I slept on the floor with him to calm him down. Seriously.....when one kid/animal makes it easy on me, another one makes damn sure that I don't sleep. π³ππ΄
Pumpkin Patch field trip! I took the boys on Davis's field trip one Friday. It was so fun.....but oh so cold that morn.

Damn cat. It's Rat Season again. Nala brought this fat one in while Mitch wasn't home. I had to grab the, what's now lovingly referred to as "the rat tongs", to grab the poor guy. He lived but I threw him far over the fence....and he better not return. Lol

Just like everyone that meets her, Arch loves his Ollie bird.

Even when I went in to nurse Arch in the middle of the night, the dogs followed me. Don gets sooooo scares during storms!
Big Don found his kitty. ❤️

Happy boy. π

Sweet O-Bear.

"Davis, quit eating dirty popcorn off of the zoo trails!!!"

My babes. πππ

He makes us laugh. He makes us frustrated. He tires us. He is a joyful, independent, hilarious little Tasmanian devil......and he falls sleeps like this on most nights. π

Undefeated!! ππ

Damn rats. Atleast they're not in our house, but seriously....so gross. I'm happy our local pest control crew reside in our house. π³π

Hey, big guy!!!

Poor guy got a big bump on his forehead! Popsicles to the rescue!

What a very busy and darling crew including the dogs. I marvel at your ability to keep it all together mama...and especially with danger Dave! Love you all