Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A visit from Baba and the end of summer

I took the boys to see Mitch at work.  They were a rambunctious group, but I think the attorneys welcomed the break and entertainment!

Someone likes his swing!

Obligatory sleeping picture.

"Who was too busy to stop playing and go poop in the potty?"

"Oh ya.....that might have been me."

Nap hair, don't care.  His faux hawk game is strong.

Last day of Hall Swim School.  These boys learned SOOOOO much during their month of swimming lessons!

Baba came to town and we took her to the zoo!  It was cool outside when we decided to go.....and we arrived and it got humid, sunny, and overall uncomfortable.  lol

Love this pic!!!!  Cal was having a lemonade stand in our front yard with Vada and Emma. We drank a few glasses and enjoyed the shade!

It is so sweet how our boys love on our pets.

My "helper".....

He curls up like a cat cute.

Davis pushed me out of bed and Mitch to the edge.  Thanks for the great night's sleep, Davis. 

Big A is 4 months old!!!  He is such a sweet baby.  Smiles and laughs all day long....

Date night for us on our 8th anniversary!  Belle stayed with the big boys and we took Arch to dinner with us.

We took the boys to the pool one day. Arch needed a snooze in the shade halfway through.

Always wrestling.  ALWAYS.

First bite of cereal!  He was so excited to eat big boy food!  He watches us as we put spoons, food, and drinks up to our mouths.  He's so interested!

This is one proud big brother....

Baba said that it looked like Arch was going to play golf.  I tend to agree.

Baba and boys

Such a turkey....

My boys...

Cal was so creative and made a really cool magnatile building, which Davis destroyed in 2.5 seconds.  Ugh.

I took the boys out to Larned the weekend after Belle left.  The boys were so worn out after their week and a half with grandparents!  lol

The temps were in the upper 70's (crazy cool for August!!!), so we went on a bike ride.  Cal learned how to ride on two wheels this weekend!!

This is how Davis fell asleep one day!  lol

Smiles for both!

I was nervous that our 60# child was going to hurt Grandma's lap, but she was so excited and she didn't mind.  She said, "I don't think he's sat on my lap in 2 years!"

Tony and Misha's wedding pics were so beautiful!  I cropped everyone else out of the pic so that I could get a good one of us.  lol

That hair!!!!!!!

On Cal's last day at JNA, he wanted to show all of his buddies his baby brother one more time. 
 We went to get Cal a haircut and he saw a kid leaving that had a fresh cut with lightening bolts on the side.  He begged to get the why not?!  Well....the stylist gave him a SHORT buzz cut with mismatched lightening bolts.  Ummmmmmmmm........but he loved the new 'do, so I guess I have to also.  lol

The boys had a dental checkup last week.  It was Davis's first time and he did so good! 

Look at those two handsome dudes!

Later that afternoon, he woke up SUPER grumpy from a nap and when I told him that he needed to take a bath, he screamed and kicked.  He told me, "I hate you and I wish you weren't married!"  hahahahahahahahahaha.  I couldn't help but laugh.

 We found this awesome cicada that was about to come out of his shell!  We brought him inside in a bowl, but gave up after a day and set him free. 

This cracked me up.  :)

 My biggest and littlest....

Card Shark.

Playing outside while his big brothers rode bikes....

Davis always has to try out the baby toys for himself.  He fits sooooo well in them now.  Geez.

Ollie Bird didn't want to leave Davis's bed one night!

Mitch and Travis took the big kids to the zoo while we ran errands with the babies.  The kids had a blast!

Big Don!

This kid ate a bowl of oatmeal and then asked for a slice of cold 9am.  He's 5 going on 15. 

Cal is now riding his bike without training wheels!!!

Arch and Davis

Davis was dancing like the opening Olympic dancers in Rio.  :)

I took the boys to the Andover YMCA last week and it is awesome!  We drug Mitch there this weekend.  Lazy river, huge water slides, cool.

I love our dogs. 

to see Mitch at work.  They were a rambunctious group, but I think the attorneys welcomed the break and entertainment!

Someone likes his swing!

Obligatory sleeping picture.

"Who was too busy to stop playing and go poop in the potty?"

"Oh ya.....that might have been me."

Nap hair, don't care.  His faux hawk game is strong.

Last day of Hall Swim School.  These boys learned SOOOOO much during their month of swimming lessons!

Baba came to town and we took her to the zoo!  It was cool outside when we decided to go.....and we arrived and it got humid, sunny, and overall uncomfortable.  lol

Love this pic!!!!  Cal was having a lemonade stand in our front yard with Vada and Emma. We drank a few glasses and enjoyed the shade!

It is so sweet how our boys love on our pets.

My "helper".....

He curls up like a cat cute.

Davis pushed me out of bed and Mitch to the edge.  Thanks for the great night's sleep, Davis. 

Big A is 4 months old!!!  He is such a sweet baby.  Smiles and laughs all day long....

Date night for us on our 8th anniversary!  Belle stayed with the big boys and we took Arch to dinner with us.

We took the boys to the pool one day. Arch needed a snooze in the shade halfway through.

Always wrestling.  ALWAYS.

First bite of cereal!  He was so excited to eat big boy food!  He watches us as we put spoons, food, and drinks up to our mouths.  He's so interested!

This is one proud big brother....

Baba said that it looked like Arch was going to play golf.  I tend to agree.

Baba and boys

Such a turkey....

My boys...

Cal was so creative and made a really cool magnatile building, which Davis destroyed in 2.5 seconds.  Ugh.

I took the boys out to Larned the weekend after Belle left.  The boys were so worn out after their week and a half with grandparents!  lol

The temps were in the upper 70's (crazy cool for August!!!), so we went on a bike ride.  Cal learned how to ride on two wheels this weekend!!

This is how Davis fell asleep one day!  lol

Smiles for both!

I was nervous that our 60# child was going to hurt Grandma's lap, but she was so excited and she didn't mind.  She said, "I don't think he's sat on my lap in 2 years!"

Tony and Misha's wedding pics were so beautiful!  I cropped everyone else out of the pic so that I could get a good one of us.  lol

That hair!!!!!!!

On Cal's last day at JNA, he wanted to show all of his buddies his baby brother one more time. 
 We went to get Cal a haircut and he saw a kid leaving that had a fresh cut with lightening bolts on the side.  He begged to get the why not?!  Well....the stylist gave him a SHORT buzz cut with mismatched lightening bolts.  Ummmmmmmmm........but he loved the new 'do, so I guess I have to also.  lol

The boys had a dental checkup last week.  It was Davis's first time and he did so good! 

Look at those two handsome dudes!

Later that afternoon, he woke up SUPER grumpy from a nap and when I told him that he needed to take a bath, he screamed and kicked.  He told me, "I hate you and I wish you weren't married!"  hahahahahahahahahaha.  I couldn't help but laugh.

 We found this awesome cicada that was about to come out of his shell!  We brought him inside in a bowl, but gave up after a day and set him free. 

This cracked me up.  :)

 My biggest and littlest....

Card Shark.

Playing outside while his big brothers rode bikes....

Davis always has to try out the baby toys for himself.  He fits sooooo well in them now.  Geez.

Ollie Bird didn't want to leave Davis's bed one night!

Mitch and Travis took the big kids to the zoo while we ran errands with the babies.  The kids had a blast!

Big Don!

This kid ate a bowl of oatmeal and then asked for a slice of cold 9am.  He's 5 going on 15. 

Cal is now riding his bike without training wheels!!!

Arch and Davis

Davis was dancing like the opening Olympic dancers in Rio.  :)

I took the boys to the Andover YMCA last week and it is awesome!  We drug Mitch there this weekend.  Lazy river, huge water slides, cool.

I love our dogs. 


  1. Love the thunderbolts...better to zoom around on his bike with! Where does get his language skills?

  2. Where does Davis get his concepts...had to laugh at the marriage joke.!! Dange Dave is a natural born comic....
