One last belly pic....
At the very beginning of the video, you can see Arch swipe his arm (??) across.
We took this the morning of induction. It's a miracle that we caught a photo before I started crying and getting a serious case of the nerves....because that might've happened. It's a strange feeling knowing that you're about to go in to a place and be in a lot of pain. However, that epidural sure helped calm my fears. :)
They started Pitocin at 8:30am and I got an epidural around noon. Mitch went out to get Chinese food and of course my contractions worsened while he was gone. I wanted to wait for the epidural until he was there, so the minute he got back, I ordered an epidural and all was better. :) I slept off and on until about 4pm. That's when the nurse said...."I have a feeling that you're ready. I'm calling the doctor." Sure enough....after 12 minutes of pushing, Archer McClaren Walter was born at 4:12pm. He came out with the cord loosely wrapped around his neck, but Dr. Kauffman wasn't concerned. He had to use the vacuum to get him out a little quicker, but the whole delivery was pretty seamless and quick!
8#15oz. 21"
Sweet baby boy....Archer McClaren. (McClaren is my Gma Gatterman's maiden name.)
Archie Mac.
First bath
Mom came by that night to meet her newest grandson! Mitch went home to put the boys to bed and show them pics of their new baby brother.
Mom brought the boys by after school on Friday. Davis's mouth is blue because he found a blue Gatorade and chugged it before taking much interest in Archer. lol
Luckily, we were able to go home after one night in the hospital! We took our first drive as a family of 5. :)
Exhibit A:
Arch got dressed and was ready to break outta that joint!
Well that took 2.5 seconds...
First real beer in 10 months. :)
Cal loves holding Archie!
(from 3/31...)Mom picked the boys up from JNA and took them to DQ for dinner! Cal didn't tell her until they were eating that he'd lost ANOTHER tooth that day! He lost both bottom teeth in 2 days at school!
I asked him to recycle this box, but he had other plans.
Arch loved this part of his bath!
Dad came up on Sat to meet Archie! He had to stay home until then due to a trial and Gma had been hospitalized since Tues. She had been aspirating and got a pneumonia. Thankfully, she is doing much better and is feeling stronger now. She is being dismissed tomorrow!
Dad's signature football hold...
Bball time! Nice form, Cal!
Basketball star!
How I spend my time on maternity leave.....LOVE.
I gave him a bath and was laughing at all of his back hair! Both of the big boys were born with lots of body hair, too, but it always cracks me up.
This pic was on JNA's page and was taken during an experiment. Cal loved the pop rocks/Coke volcano!
Some kiddos were really excited to see Uncle Tony! He came back to visit Grandma. It was so nice seeing him and I'm glad he got to see his newborn nephew....and his big boy nephews!
They woke Tony up the next morning and demanded that he read to them. lol
Davis thinks this is his chair and sits in it more than Archie does!
Mitch took the boys fishing one Sunday so that Archie and I could rest. They had a great time and caught a good sized fish!

I love his after-bath cute!! He is wearing the adorable onesie that his Great Grandma bought him.
Grandma is feeling stronger! Her hairdresser came to the hospital and did her hair for her one day. She felt so much better after that....she'd been so worried about how awful her hair looked. :)
Small town hospital.....they let mom bring in Maggie to visit. :)
Davis loves to lay beside his little brother and give him hugs. It's so sweet to see Davis's gentle side with his little brother. It's a vast contrast from the rough and tumble side he engages with his big brother. :)
Yes, Davis is still wearing diapers. He stays dry and always pees when we take him, but he refuses to do his other business in the potty. REFUSES. Flat out tantrums when we try to make him. I think Archie may be out of diapers before Davis is. Sigh.
I painted with the boys one morning and I turned my head for a second......then this happened. All I could do was laugh. The damage had been done and it was pretty damn funny.
Loved the video of the boys meeting Archer for the first time!!