Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Easter 2016

We took the boys to Egg-stravaganza at the Zoo on Saturday, March 26th.  It was a beautiful morning and the boys loved spying all the hidden eggs.  We made the obligatory stop at the Zoo playground and then ate a picnic lunch.
 The orangutans are our new favorite animal stop.  They're so entertaining and interactive!

Easter masks!

The Walter Family of 4.9555555

The dentist told us that he's on the early side of losing his teeth, but that it wasn't concerning.  That's a good thing, because this baby is probably going to fall out this week! 

Davis is a slapstick/physical comedy type of guy....can you tell?!?!
Davis and I playing catch...

We woke up on Easter morning to this winter wonderland.  We had no snow all winter.....and woke up on March 27th to a beautiful, fresh 3" of snow.  Our neighbor took this pic of our house.

 Cal went out to check if our jelly beans had grown into suckers.....sure enough, they did!  :)

Mom and Dad came up for Easter!  The boys were so excited to go hunt for some eggs. Davis was pretty concerned whether or not there was candy in them....

Snowball attack!

While Cal attacked Mitch with snowballs, Dad was attacked by Davis!

Dad chased Cal with a snowball.  It was hysterical!!!

More snowball shenanigans on Easter...

Mitch throwing snowballs at Cal...

Cal going across the monkey bars...backwards!

Davis on the tire swing, while singing his ABC's.

I'm being induced tomorrow morning, which brings an onslaught of emotions.  Meanwhile, my Grandma has been admitted to the hospital due to a pneumonia.  She's in great hands, but it's really tough not being able to go home and see her when she's sick.  It seems as though everything is happening at once, which heightens my emotions....but I know that she's receiving great care there and I will be doing the same here.

  I really didn't have a pleasant experience when I was induced with Cal, but I'm also waving my white flag and am ready to deliver.  All I want is a healthy baby......please keep my Grandma and our family in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow!  We are about to be a family of 5 and we cannot wait for Archer to get here!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Catching up on the last few weeks....

I met Ashley Schlatter and her girls at the zoo one Friday.  These kiddos had so much fun running amuck for over 2 hours!
The highlight of their trip LIVES, was when this silly baby orangutan swung above his mother and started peeing on her head!  His bathroom shenanigans didn't stop there, unfortunately....he was a naughty monkey. 

The daddy even came up to the window and examined the kids!  It was so interesting watching him study them.

The mama orangutan was about to get peed on right here....the boys were watching the baby laughing.

I was 37 weeks pregnant....and I felt like it after 2.5 hours of walking at the zoo!

 I thought the boys would zonk out when we got home, but I was sorely mistaken.  They opted for a movie, while I laid down and dozed beside them.  That afternoon we went for some ice cream cones!

Davis even let Nala get a taste!  lol

We walked down to our park afterwards and the boys found a lady bug.  They had fun watching it crawl all over them!

38 weeks prego.....and recovering from the stomach flu.  Ugh.  It was like dejavu.....I got the stomach flu when I was 38 weeks along with Davis.  It sent me into fake labor and I had to go in for fluids.  I did the same thing this time!  Mom came up to help us and we were sooooo thankful!!!
The boys were pretty excited to see Mimi the next morning!  They hopped in and made her read a book before she'd even gotten out of bed.  lol

Snapped this pic this week.  They took a good nap and when they woke up, they were snuggling together watching a cartoon on the ipad.  Too cute.

The next day, however, they were back to their wrestling shenanigans.  Yes....that large white blob is my stomach.  ha

Mitch flew to Vegas for Tony's bachelor party last week.  The doctor all but guaranteed us that the baby would not be born that week, so we felt ok for him to go.  Mom came up and helped me wrangle these two rascals.  The boys had a blast with Mimi and I was so grateful for her help!

Thumbs up!  :)

Spring Break was so strange this year.  It was almost 80 on Monday and then in the 70's until Thursday night.  Friday rolled around and it snowed in Larned and rained/sleeted here!?!?!? It was so windy and cold all weekend....Kansas weather.  Go figure.

(This is a pic of a Hutch Juco student on his spring break.  I thought it was pretty funny!)

One of my babies feeling the baby moving....

I'm realizing that this is the last time that I'll ever feel a baby moving around in my belly.  It's so bittersweet.....I'm so uncomfortable and ready for him to arrive, yet I am trying to treasure these last few days of him in utero.  I've been trying to take more videos and pictures so that I can remember these sweet moments.  Here's the babe with a really good jab at the very beginning of the video.

Cal loves to blow raspberries on my belly, which in turn makes the baby kick him.  He cackles in amazement each time he feels it!

Mom bought them a dancing bunny for Easter and they think he's a hoot!  I love their little rump shakes....

Davis is getting quite good at riding his tricycle!!!  He is soooooo independent.  When I try to help push the trike or help him with anything, for that matter, he tells me....."No!  I do it by myself!"

Time for some backyard golf!!

39 weeks.....come on, Baby Walter!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Beginning of March

Cal does a great job on defense.  He is always the first one back down the court and places himself smack in the middle of the lane, with his hands up.  He's blocked a few shots and is starting to understand the importance of rebounding!

Mitch had a meeting in western Kansas one night and I was praying that the boys would take it easy on me while he was gone.  I was wrong.  lol 


I took the boys to the park one Saturday afternoon.  We met Liz and Padraig and the three boys spent 1.5 hours running and climbing. 

We took the boys to the Tallgrass Prarie National Preserve one Sunday.  We've driven past it on our way to Manhattan and decided to drive up and check it out. 

The mansion was beautifully preserved, built in the late 1800's.  The wind was blowing over 40mph that day (we really picked the perfect day to visit, huh?!?!), but we enjoyed walking the beautiful trails anyway.

We promised the boys some ice cream on the ride home and Braums didn't disappoint.  Davis was on Mitch and I's side regarding Cal's disgusting blue ice cream choice.  Luckily, Cal went with a more sensible flavor when his time came to order.  :)

Our unconventional soon-to-be middle child decided to eat the cone from the bottom up. 

The boys got their hair cut and Cal told his stylist that he "liked her stamps on her arms".

The boys and I watched The Good Dinosaur one day after school.  It's a cute show!

Davis has the perfect umbrella when he stands near me.  lol

Cal's last bball game was a good one!  He had one block and at least one basket! (That's terrible that I can't remember.)

These two went straight into the bath after they used their heads to plow lines in the sand. 
  My nausea has returned these last few weeks.  It's not fair:  9 months pregnant and nauseous again.  BLAH.

I ran through Sonic for a Diet Cherry Limeade and a mini onion 8am.   Don't judge. 

#pregnant  #veggies

A student asked me this same day, "Why do you have 15 babies in your tummy?"  hahahahaha!!!

Davis opted out of a nap one Saturday.  Mitch was golfing so I sent him this pic.  Davis was fighting sleep.....ha!

We tried to take the boys to Zootopia on Sunday, but when we go there they were all sold out.  :(  I bought tickets ahead of time and took them on Monday after school.  Davis loved his first movie experience, but also loved the freedom of walking the stairs for 1.5 hours.  lol  He watched the movie, but also got his exercise. 

Mitch got his workout with the boys at the park one day!

Ollie and Nala do this almost every morning.  They love a good play fighting session.

He wasn't moving as radically as he did the week before, but you can see my stomach jut to the left when she started the Doppler.

37 weeks....we are getting there, baby!