(I found a few videos that I forgot to include in the Christmas post. )
How did I forget to include our trip to Kansas Sampler to meet Willie?!?! Even Batman got to come along! We met him before Christmas and the boys were almost more excited to meet him than they were to see Santa. lol
This was the video that our elf, Jingle Jacob, took of Santa. :)
The boys love this game. It has provided hours of squeals and screeches!
Davis loves to give big hugs and lots of kisses!
Davis loves his new horsie from Mimi and Papa!
Our budding basketball star....
Cal loves playing his games at the Y each Saturday. It's so cute watching him learn the rules and how to play with his team. He even blocked a shot during this game, which made this defense-lovin' Mama very proud. :)
My little bankers helped me count all their piggy bank money. We took it to the bank and deposited it into their savings accounts. They thought that it was pretty neat to deposit it.....but were so confused why they couldn't go back and put it into a vault with the banker. :)
What's the best way to get Cal to do something? Tell him that his best buddy from school, Camden, does it. One night, I needed him to take a quick shower but he generally dislikes showers. I told him that Camden takes showers and BOOM. In he went. He will still take a bath with Davis, but overall he loves showers now. Davis will jump in with him sometimes, but he still prefers taking a bath.
It was leftover night in the Walter household...for everyone, apparently.
#snifferworks #eyesdonot
I went to KC to visit my college friends. It was a quick lunch, but so fun to see everyone!
The boys and I went to the library on a Friday morning. Many books were checked out, including 4 Batman books. Davis's Batman backpack came in handy!
We stopped by and saw Mitch afterwards and he even took us for pizza! Dad ftw!

This little monster.....she has discovered the doggy door and has been doing great with it. She seems happier being able to venture in and out at her leisure. However, on Thursday night, I woke up at 11pm because she was making so much noise in our bedroom. Mitch was still downstairs watching TV so I couldn't elbow him to go make her quiet down. I reluctantly got out of bed and flipped on the light so that I could find her and make her stop playing with the cords on the fan/TV....or so I thought. I flipped on the light and saw what looked like a baby kitten or a small bunny.....but instead it was a live rat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She had walked right past Mitch, up the stairs, and into our bedroom to show me her live catch. Oh how proud I was......ugh. That rat scurried out of our room and down the hallway, at which point I screamed for Mitch. It ran into the guest bedroom and we ended up trapping it after an hour of screams and laughs. We threw that son of a B outside and had a stern talking to with Nala. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GROSS. Don't worry.....I've heavily sanitized and cleaned everything that the furry animal touched. UGH.
On Saturday, after Cal's 9am basketball game, we went to Avery's 2nd bday party at Jumpy Jumpy Land. We left there around noon and went straight to Manhattan for the KSU/OSU bball game. It was a full day, but the boys did great and the Cats won! Kiley came over to catch up and Davis did his best not to smile....but we got a small grin. :)
It was so nice on Sunday....in the 50's! We took the dogs on a walk and both boys helped hold the leashes (with our help for Davis, of course). We stopped by the park afterwards and then walked back home. I love watching these little guys play together. Cal was running slowly beside Davis, but then kicked it into turbo-speed and ran ahead.
Davis has recently started giving his Batman toys and books, us, and the dogs great big hugs and saying, "I love you so!" We read Where the Wild Things Are sometimes at home, but maybe they read it a lot at school. The first time he gave me a great big hug and said that to me, I melted.....
I love seeing the boys having so much fun and learning a lot at the same time. The Cat and the Rat story is a good one!!!