Saturday, December 19, 2015

Gobs 'o Videos

Sometimes Davis will eat better if his big bro feeds him.  :)

"Baby Bruddah"
He asks everybody, male or female, if they have a baby in their belly!

Davis loves to watch the "mean b*tch".....errrrr, Mean Grinch.  

Skid a ma rink a dink a dink......Davis's class was so cute!

Davis was so excited about his Batman backpack from Grandpa Walt and Grandma Sooz!

Happy Birthday, Davis!

Aunt Sue Sue sent the funniest card to Davis for his birthday.  The boys love to jam out to it!

He asked....and he received.  

1 comment:

  1. I finally saw these posts....but could not see the videos for some reason (iPad problems).... Glad that the boys are looking forward to baby bruddah...hope to see them before he comes and then again this summer...they are the smartest, sweetest boys in all of kansas for, baba
