Friday, August 21, 2015

Last few weeks of summer.....

We went to the Schlatter's pool one evening and Davis had no fear.  He watched Mitch go off of the board and he was up there before we knew it.  Little stinker....

Cal had his 6 month check up at the dentist's office and wasn't thrilled about it.  However, it really helps that they have video monitors playing cartoons for them!

Summer is the height of locust season and these noisy bugs provided us lots of entertainment.  I love listening to their loud hums and's like white noise in the summer.  The boys and I caught several live locusts and as the summer progressed and they died off, we found many deceased ones.  Their favorite part is picking their shells off of the trees.  :)

We are nowhere near potty training time for Davis, but I go the little stool out for him and he thinks it's funny to sit on it when his big brother does. 

We went back to Larned for the 3-man golf tourney, an annual trip that is full of golf and good friends.  This year was my 15 year class reunion, although it was an unofficial party.....we had a lot of fun catching up.  :)

The fearsome trio....

The boys were ready to cool off after their first round of golf on Saturday!  THESE TWO!!!!  LOL
This is the frothy mouth of a dog who won't stop licking toads......she never learns her lesson. 


I took the boys on a field trip with Cal's class.  Cal was testing out the catapult at Exploration Place.

Mom and Susie went to a show in Wichita one night.  They looked so pretty!

The next morn, they went to the zoo with us!  We walked around the entire place, which never happens!  We were all exhausted afterwards.

Giraffe feeding time!

He was reading to his baby brother.....and Ollie. :)

Cool dude.

It's not often that your son lets you go on his first date with you.  I wonder if this will change when it comes time for his teenage years....

The boys took their first selfie!  lol

Mitch was trying to help Cal test out his roller blades from Gpa Walt and Gma Sooz!  He kept going all spaghetti legs and wasn't quite sure about them. 

These boys LOVE swimming!  Davis is a waterbug and wants to go under water any chance he gets.  Cal has really become brave over the last month and has nearly taught himself how to swim!  At the beginning of the summer, he would barely put his face in the water!
Look at those white little booties.  :)

Another day...another field trip with C's class!  BOWLING!
Cal and I played Jenga one day....

.....until Davis caught wind of it and crashed the game.

We loved his curls, but his hair was getting out of control.  This was taken after his nap, but it made me realize that he needed his second haircut!
This was the next morn....the final straw.  lol

All cleaned up!

Fist bump for Ollie!

We went to the Eck's grandparents' pool one weekend.  There goes our daredevil!

It was date night for Mitch and I....celebrating our 7th anniversary!  Davis thought my dress was a curtain and wanted to play in it.  Super.

We went to Chesters and stuffed ourselves!

Mom and Dad went to Colorado for a week and enjoyed the cooler temps while golfing!

Davis is so gross.  ha!  He always tries to blow bubbles in the gutter he is sticking his head in the water.  SO sanitary.

Big boy. 

Here's Cal running to the park so he could go pee....ya know, instead of running half a block home to go in our house.  Boys.

I took the boys to their school so Davis could meet his new classmates.  They had a blast playing with their friends on the playground!

They were WORN OUT!!!!!

Back to the zoo we went....I usually dressed them in their fluorescent yellow shirts so that they were easier to see.

These boys and I have had a wonderful summer.  If you can't tell by their tanned skin, we spent the majority of it outside.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. Loved all the pictures and commentary. Cal and Davis are such good buddies....amazing times ahead with those two. Love to all
