Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A rainy start to our summer.....lots of fun with the boys!

This boy loves his big truck!
We had a few  warm days in between the rainy 2 weeks.  
We ventured to the park, per our usual routine!

We explored the outdoors and made new friends.

We splashed in the stagnant gutter water.  Our neighbor took this one day.  😊.  We had over 10.5" in May, which set a new record.  It replenished all of our lakes and reservoirs.  It made everything green and gave us cooler temps.  This rainy May was great start to our summer!

Mitch and I got away for a Royals game!  His firm set up an outing for all the Associates.  It was a lot of fun!

This one doesn't shy away from a mess.  Here he is eating yogurt, in a non-conventional way.  

The next night, we went to Katie's surprise 30th birthday party! So much fun!  Plus, two date nights in one weekend....unheard of!!

On Sunday, we went back to our worm hunting ways.  More rain = more invertebrates to save in the gutters.

This kid!  He started rolling in the water.  I drew the line when he tried to blow bubbles!

Sweet, sweet boy.  He is so precious.  Davis is really trying to have conversations with us now!

He was busy "reading" my magazine.....aka, shredding and looking innocent.

Cute little tushies.  

They were painting.  I was enjoying 5 minutes of silence.  :)

 We were driving to Padraig's for a play date one morning when we saw this big guy dangerously crossing 21st street.  Soooo......we scooped him up and released him into a nearby pond!

This can't be comfortable.

Lol...neither can this!  Mitch tried on Cal's Batman suit (Baba Belle bought it online and when it arrived we realized how large it was!).  

Cal got a fresh new haircut!

.....aaaaaaand more stagnant gutter water play.

We went to a small amusement park with the Gillespies for Ella's birthday.  The boys had a blast!!!

The boys were vegging out watching Despicable Me on the drive to KC.  Davis kept changing the scene with his toes.  lol

Then Cal tooted and said, "Whoah!  That was a guster!"

We got to KC and all of the kids ran a muck.  It was so fun catching up with all my college girlfriends.  We celebrated Evan Tatro's adoption and caught up with one another.    

They were "spit painting".  lol

That night, Mitch met some law school friends out and the boys and I had the hotel room to ourselves.  We watched a little Tarzan, brushed our teeth, and then played and wrestled while trying to convince Davis to sleep.  It was a tiring two hours, but eventually he slept.  The boys kept rolling around all night, which meant that I slept very little because I didn't want Davis them to fall out!  

I took this pic at 3am.  They were sleeping sideways.  

Davis went worm hunting while I was planting flowers.  He decided to smell the worms this time....and then pull them apart.  Two worms are better than one.  ick.  

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