Cal went to his first real birthday party with all of his friends. He had so much fun! The party was at My Gym, which is a favorite spot of his, and he ran and played with his classmates for two hours (bless the My Gym workers for entertaining our kids so the moms could chat!). He was exhausted afterwards and fell asleep on the 5 minute car ride home.
It was about 60 degrees on Sunday so we took the boys to Riverside Park for the afternoon. Cal ran his little heart out and played with al his "new friends".
Davis was tucked warmly into his stroller and eventually took a good snooze. Don't his eyes look bluish in this pic? They vacillate between deep blue and brownish hazel, almost daily. Today was a hazel day, for the record.
Cal was so much more adventurous at the park than he was in August when we last visited. It was fun watching him explore, but we also stayed nearby with our arms ready for a quick catch!
Without any hesitation, he climbed the ladder to the top of this slide and went all the way down. A few months ago, he would've needed some encouragement to do this!
Cal was chasing me in this pic. Funny kid.
The boys got all cleaned up. Davis is easy to wash in the big tub. I just hold his head and he floats in the water, soothed by the warmth. He is such a mellow baby!!

Cal came home saying this today. His teacher read them a book about ducks or something and he really liked this part. :)
I can just imagine Cal running around the party like a whirling dervish...that boy loves the energy of anything...