Davis is wearing all 9 month clothing and weighs about 17 lbs. The Valentines Day shirt that he wore just a few weeks ago is way too snug on him and can't be snapped any longer. He's like the incredible Hulk and just grows overnight. I forgot how quickly babies grow!
Big D is a great sleeper. He goes down between 6:30-8pm (usually closer to 8) and sleeps until 3 or 4am! Sometimes he'll wake up and need a diaper change around midnight or for me to put his paci back in, but generally he is just up once a night. It's wonderful! He wakes around 7am.
He has started squealing loudly in between his soft coos when we talk. It startles me sometimes, but he just laughs when he sees my reaction!
We just love our happy little 3 month old sweet pea! He is such a good baby.
Babies don't keep. :(
Both of ours are getting so big so quickly!
I keep trying to get Davis's newfound skill of laughing on camera, but I can't quite capture it. Each time he sees my phone, he freezes and is entranced by it.
Cal was being guarded as he finished his granola bar. These hounds....
The two sweetest moments of my day were as follows:
* Cal was trying to help me get him to giggle (before he started eating, as he made clear in the video) by blowing on his feet. He loves his baby brother and wants to hold him, give him kisses, and make funny faces to get him to laugh.
* When Davis was falling asleep, he wrapped his fingers around mine and then soothed himself enough to finally settle down tonight. I didn't want to stop rocking him and could've held him for hours.