He's just chillin'.

We traveled over for another K-State basketball game and Cal enjoyed his car seat tent.....until he was really tired of sitting in it, which took 20 minutes or less. Mommy may or may not have been trying to trick him into taking a nap. I caught him during a happier moment of the drive.
The key to a happy traveler is to never be bored.....NEVER. Even if it means that Mommy and Daddy have to sing songs, make funny mouth noises, or play with his toys for the quick jaunt to Dillons or the 3 hour drive to Larned.
Great Grandma came up for the KSU vs. Iowa State game. Cal was so content with sitting on her lap that he just chewed on his Sophie and watched the game for well over an hour.

After the game, we went out to eat and Cal was sure thirsty and wanted to guzzle water out of our glasses. He also wanted to show us how technologically savvy he is, but Grandma was so mean and wouldn't give him her expensive chew toy.
"Grandma, quit being so mean! Just give me this bright, attractive, expensive chew toy!"
Sometimes when I get the camera out, Cal immediately stops doing whatever I'm wanting to capture on film, and looks at me to ham it up. For this reason, I have to approach the chance to snap a candid photo much like an animal trying to stealthily sneak up on his prey....nonchalantly, quietly, and quickly. When he was playing with his frog, it was as though he was mad at it. I think he's saying, "Frog, I'm tired of your lip. Don't make me bap you!" He means business.
We helped the Cats wrap up their regular season by attending the last home game of the year on March 3rd. Our friends from OSU came up for the game, which was especially exciting since all three of our boys were born between the months of February and June and hadn't all hung out together.
(on the right) Maddox Machado, born in February 2011, is a mobile little bull of a boy. He toppled into the cabinet and head first into the chair a few times, but he shed no tears. He just got right back up and toddled away to begin his next adventure! He's a tough guy. I smell a future football player, just like his Daddy!
(on the left) Luke Beebe, born in early June 2011, has the sweetest smile. His two bottom teeth punctuate his adorable grin and he was very interested in all the sights and sounds of the game. He was very content to be held by his Mama for most of the game, but was open to a few snuggles from strangers (me).
Oh Lilah.....do you and Cal have a love/hate relationship? She doesn't look too upset that Cal is pulling her hair out in this picture (while the mothers smile and pose for the camera, mind you), which I think is a testament to her temperament. She's a very independent baby and doesn't get too riled up about many things, which is fitting because neither does her Mama! I think she's going to have Johnna's personality....and perhaps immaculate fashion sense!?!
I'll wrap up this post with a sweet picture of our cuddly little Cal, who was soothed to sleep after Kiley held him for 2.5 seconds. It was amazing. She must move in with us. Come on, Ki....Andrew can come, too! We've got a comfy air mattress in the basement that has the Hamors' name all over it!
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