Since it had been decided that Cal and I were staying home, we declared it a PJ Day!!

This lasted for a few hours until he spit up on himself, the chair, the carpet, and one fell swoop. Once Cal, and our upholstery, were cleaned up and he was sportin' some Purple Pride, we snuggled up on the couch to watch the game. Of course, "we" isn't limited to just Mommy and baby.....the fur babies are always included.
Hey Ollie, don't look so thrilled that you have a 21 lb baby laying on you right now.
"Oh, K-State just scored? Yippee!!!" Notice the dogs aren't too riled up....rough life!
After a short nap, as most naps are in Cal's world, he decided he needed a bath. After he was all cleaned up, we were able to resume our PJ Day and he celebrated the KSU victory by banging on pots and pans, which was his version of couch burning or flipping cars over.
After his victorious drum session with my cookware, it was time for dinner. Up until tonight, he's only been eating cereal. We upped his big boy status and introduced sweet potatoes tonight!
He wasn't sure about those first few bites, but as expected, he didn't want to turn down a meal so he polished them off!
When Mitch got home from the rainy game, Cal wanted to play his favorite game with his Daddy!
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