These two boys have a sweet bond. Cal is very patient and protective of his baby. He stopped playing baseball so that he could blow bubbles for Arch. Sweet babies.
Rocky Roo is a big snuggler....when he's not jumping around like a bucking bronco and giving us tiny nibbles. ha!
He is SO tolerant!!
The dogs love snuggling with each other!
We walked over to JNA one Friday to drop off some papers. Davis rode his trike and Cal carried his hammer. We were quite a sight. ha
When his hair gets longer, Arch gets some curls!
This kid loves to swing!
Davis dressed up for dinner that night. lol
THESE BOYS. They had a blast in the mud puddle that day! Let them be little.....
Oh hey, Rocko.....
Arch was pushing the big boys......hysterical!
Look at this boy! So tuckered out....
I found this pic of my brother and cute!
Hugs for Rocky!
....and kisses for Ollie!
Rocky and I on Easter.....
Sweet boys!!!
Look at this kangaroo!!! He's such a giant.
We are LOVING the weather now!
Grandma bought herself a ring for what would have been her 71st anniversary on April 21st.
Davis wrote his name....he's becoming such a big boy!!
I drew a leopard....or a stray kangaroo cat. ha!
Davis loves his pups!!!
Arch loves riding in his red wagon!
We went down to the park and played for over two hours!
Cal wanted to give Arch a bottle. 💕
This is what our drive to Larned looked like for Easter weekend. ROCKY. ?!?!?!?
Arch is such a cutie. He loves to point at everything.....
He was smelling/trying to eat Mimi's flowers. :)
We went out to the golf course after the boys played. We sent this pic to Mike's daughter, Jenny. :)
Larned had a big storm that Saturday night.....inches of rain and quarter sized hail. This spring has brought SO MUCH RAIN, which is wonderful, but I wish we could save some for the hot summer months!
Easter Sunday! We hunted for eggs even though the yard was a big, soppy mess!
This kid loves to play with the doggy door! lol
"My name is Rocky Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." (Hellooooooo, Princess Bride!!!!)
Sweet Ollie and I sat outside and shared a Blizzard. I love this dog so much.
I was trying to cook and Arch was trying to climb up my legs. To keep him busy, I gave him water, rice, and pasta to play with while I cooked! He loved it....and so did our piggy dogs.
Davis wanted to take my picture when I went down the slide. ha!
When we got back from Riverside Park, we brough Sampson over to wear Rocky out.
I took a quick shower and when I got out, Arch was sweet!
That Friday night, mom and I went to Mosely Street Melodrama. It was hysterical! We had such a great time!
While I was out with mom, Mitch let Cal and Vada drink wine. lol....just kidding. Pomegranate Juice.
The next day was rainy and cool. All I wanted to do was sleep and watch movies, so I convinced the boys to snuggle on the couch with me.
We went out and splashed in the puddles after the rain! It was still so breezy and cool....we didn't stay out long!
Arch followed his big brother's leads and collected worms and leaves.
We warmed up and watched some tv while eating a snack. Vada and Cal are so sweet together!
Not to brag, but this is Cal's Kindergarten Pre-Assessment and as we already knew.....he is SO SMART.
Arch loves to attack, wrestle, and play with his big brothers....even when they aren't interested. ha
One shoe, pantless, and a cowboy hat....
The big boys got their hair cut and Arch ran around playing with Davis's hat.
Ice pops for the win!