Davis has always loved books and lately he's started reading them to me!
Davis reading {part 1}
Davis reading {part 2}
Cal learned about the Dust Bowl in his preschool. He was really interested in the facts and was blown away when I told him that his Great Grandma lived through it all. He called her on the phone to tell her what he'd learned. She is now on the hunt for pictures and journals from that time in her life.
Cal Dust Bowl
Davis and his "box bed"/secret hiding spot. The boys loved playing with this box for a month and then somehow it disappeared (incidentally on Recycling Day)?!? They had pretty much quit playing with it and I was tired of looking at it. :)
Davis and his baby bro were snuggling with Ollie and I.....
The boys love to help me feed the dogs and cat their treats in the morning. Nala is picky and demands turkey for breakfast.....so of course I oblige. Davis was tearing it up for her on this morning.
We have had an unseasonably warm winter this year. Kristin and I took the kids to the zoo one Friday morning.
After naps, the boys and I played outside.....and Davis was practicing his potty training skills on the front lawn.
Mom came to visit one weekend. She snapped this pic of me at 32 weeks.
While she watched the boys, Mitch and I went to Dom's bday party! It was a fun night out!
My belly also doubles as a cup holder!
Davis didn't know it, but his baby bro was kicking him in the head. I'm sure it won't be the last time....
Window clings: they're not just for windows.
33 weeks along....
My cookie making helper....not ornery at all!
We bought a used wooden swing set for the boys. Here's Mitch's truck and our janky job of transporting it across town. Eeek!
The boys wanted to help him install the slide. :)
Davis and his buddy, the O-Bear...
33.5 weeks
Nala has been hanging out with us in the backyard lately!
Tackle time at the park!
Relaxin' with some Cinderella on TV
I took the boys to Cal's Valentine's Day party on Friday the 12th. Here's Cal with Adijah, Camden, and Kane....
Playing musical chairs at the Valentine's party:|
I guess we live in Earthquake Country now?! So strange....
I took the boys to Larned after their party. Davis and Mimi enjoyed some musical time while we were there!
Playing piano with Mimi: I love the headbanging!
Tellin' stories
Brother on Brother crime
Davis reading his Vday card from Great Grandma:
Role reversal: the boys were putting Papa to bed!
I slept horribly while we were in Larned, which may or may not be related to these two's sleeping habits. UGH. But....we were all smiles on Sunday morn during Vday breakfast!
When we got home, we opened Aunt Susie's cards and Davis immediately covered himself (and everything else) with stickers.
Oh hey. The camera adds 10 lbs....and there's over 3.5 cameras on me. 34 weeks along
Oh silly Davis...
This weather has been crazy lately....and we are loving it!
The boys and I spend our afternoons at the park down the street.
Davis took the bottle that they were throwing rocks at.....let the chase begin!
Kristin and I took the kids to Exploration Place on Friday morn. Here they are flying a plane....
The boys got inside the tornado simulator:
Avery and Davis loved the water table!
And a few second later, Kristin and I looked over and Davis was standing in it!!! Notice his wet shoes and pants.....oh that kid.
The boys didn't want to nap that afternoon (which I was really excited about.....*intense sarcasm), so we went to the park again. We were outside for 2.5 hours!
Davis drew some alligators while Cal and I played tic tac toe.
Then Cal drew a picture of me beside Davis's version. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the big belly!!!! :)
We brought the dogs along and they loved exploring the park!
No nap and 2.5 hours of fresh air: Davis was out cold before dinner!