We've moved the boys into the same room and it's going....well.....not ideally. However, look at how thrilled these two are to share a room now! Davis has a big boy bed on the other side of the room, but these fellas always get into each other's to play/laugh/wrestle/build "pillow houses", etc.
Cal has always been a bit of a night owl, whereas Davis would be asleep within 20 minutes of us laying him down. Unfortunately, now Davis is oftentimes the instigator, although Cal is a willing participant in the shenanigans, and both boys are usually up until 9:15 or later each night. *sigh* It's extremely frustrating, but we are hoping the "newness" wears off soon.
Our nights look like this:
Funny things that the boys have said or done lately:
When I asked Cal what he thought the baby was going to look like, he said, "I think he is going to have grey hair like Daddy." :)
My folks were in town one night and Mom asked Davis, what he wanted to eat for dinner. Mimi thought he was going to reply with "Mexican food or hamburgers", but instead Davis said...."Batman cake!"
Davis was hitting the wall with his hard green T-Rex (which he calls "B-Rex") and left some marks. I said..."Davis! Mommy just touched up all the paint in the house and now there's marks on the wall again. Did you do this?" He said...."No....B-Rex did."
I laid in Davis's bed to try to get the boys to calm down and go to sleep. Cal kept asking me random questions (Is Gru a bad guy? Are the Minions? But they steal...but they're funny bad guys?) I told him that I'd answer all his questions tomorrow but that I'm not going to talk anymore tonight. So he yelled as quickly as he could...."Ok,ButWhenDidJingleJacobFirstStartComingToOurHouse?!"
I took the boys to Ashley Furniture with me one afternoon to look for a bed for Davis. They wore themselves out from jumping on all the beds. The employees were totally cool with them doing it, which allowed me to make a decision and purchase the bed without them interfering. :)
Cal was burying Davis in the Legos!
K-State beat KU in the Sunflower Showdown again this year. Yahoo! Robert Lipson, a longstanding and well-known KSU fan, held up an appropriate sign.
Cal and I went on a date and saw The Good Dinosaur. It was such a precious movie.....we both loved it. Before we went in, he wanted to explore the arcade. He picked this game to play and rode his first (and hopefully last) motorcycle.
We have been having a lot of earthquakes lately. Some have been in the 3.0 range, but the most memorable two have been 4.5-4.7 and happen in the middle of the night!!! Mitch and I sat straight up in bed during the first quake and it really freaked us out!
One of my friends posted this to my FB feed and I think it's hilarious!!!
The boys had their Christmas program at the end of November and it was so cute! Davis smiled so big when he found us in the crowd! He didn't sing much of the Skid-a-ma-rink-a-dink-a-dink song, but he did give some great grins and waves. My phone's camera decided to quit working halfway through the performance, so I didn't get any pics of Cal!
The boys got fresh haircuts for Thanksgiving. Cal requested a Mohawk and I talked him into letting it be styled that way vs. shaved into an actual one. :)
We went out to Larned for Thanksgiving and Davis's 2nd birthday! It was nice on Wednesday, so I walked the boys down to the tractors after naps. Mitch and Dad got one last round of golf in, which is good because it turned COLD and rainy on Thursday! We got a full fledged ice storm on Thanksgiving night and it lasted all weekend. We were able to get home on Friday, but we drove 50 mph on the highways and several cars were in the ditch.
We celebrated his birthday on Wednesday evening. Both boys enjoyed the Batman cake tremendously! :)
Grandma even had a piece and had the blue lips to prove it. lol!!
Look at that face!!!!!!!!!!!! He got a Batman from Mimi and Papa! Cal got a cool Hot Wheels toy!

Our boys with their Great Grandma....
The dogs were pretty excited to get home and settle back into their napping routine. Nala missed Ollie and vice versa....they jumped right back into their playing routine. These two girls are so funny together!
Sweet Bubba! (The boys call each other Bubba....more so a name for Cal than Davis, but when they see each other on the playground at school they yell "Bubba!" for each other. Now Cal's class just calls Davis, "Bubbles", because I guess that's how they hear it. lol!)
Davis was more than ecstatic to put on his new Batman backpack from Grandpa Walt and Grandma Sooz! It was filled with dinosaurs, which was just an added bonus!!!!
Baba sent some awesome animal stamps and a beautifully illustrated animal book! The boys love both!
Davis and I were coloring and stamping with one morn. I turned my back to load the dishwasher and he did this. He's such a mess. Atleast it wasn't on his face or anything! lol
Snuggling on the couch with my girls....
Aunt Sue Sue and Tessa sent the boys lots of stickers! They spent a solid 20 minutes putting them on the sliding door. Even when Cal was finished, Davis entertained himself by adding more and more. :)
Our very own Little Red Riding Hood.....the more masculine and adorable version, of course.
Jingle Jacob, or as Davis calls him...."Jingle Jake".....brought the boys a Gingerbread House to decorate. They helped me put it together, but I found myself constructing the building while simultaneously trying to keep all the candy out of their hot little hands!!

Pretty Nala underneath the tree.....which was up, along with all the other decorations, in mid-November. Hey....if I'm going to spend the time decorating, I want to enjoy it for more than just a few weeks!
Jingle Jake brought donuts one morn!
One Friday, the boys woke up early and didn't want to eat breakfast, so I waited....and waited....and waited....until Cal opened the fridge and found the leftover Mexican food. Bingo. He and Davis dug into the cold food while I stared in awe. It was so strange.....9am and they didn't want cereal or waffles....just cold Mexican leftovers. I took them to Riverside Park that afternoon, which is about 20 minutes from our house. They played for a bit and then just wanted to draw in the sand. lol
Jingle Jacob wanted to be a superhero one morn!
He brought Cal a much needed set of winter jammies and Davis a "new to him" pair of Spiderman slippers!
Kristin and I took the kids to see Santa one Saturday. Mitch had to give a random presentation that afternoon and Travis stayed home with baby Katelyn, so we ventured on together.
Cal asked for a Hulk smashing monster truck. We'll see if Santa delivers. :)
After his big bro sat with Santa, Davis was much more open to the idea!
He told him that he wanted Batman books! :)
I love our house's centralized location, but Rock Road is a nightmare in December. SOOOOOOO BUSY.
Ashley and I took the kids to the zoo on an unseasonably warm Friday in December. It was almost 70 degrees on Dec. 11th!
After the zoo, the boys and I took a good nap! We woke up and decided to make sugar cookies. Well.....I made them while they found the powdered sugar bag. Davis dumped it upside down and then they threw it all over the kitchen. It's a good thing that the weather was nice that day, because I made them go outside to dust off and stay out of my hair while I cleaned up the mess!!! ha