We usually play out front after school each day. D loves bubbles!
Cal was showing me how fast he is when he runs!
D really likes cereal!
Park time with Padraig!
One Sunday afternoon, Cal and I painted.
Davis joined in on the fun, but was more interested in wiping the paint all over himself and the flowers!
Organic teething:
This is Davis's latest favorite treat....eating a whole apple. However, midway through he gets bored and likes to pretend to drop it so that he can watch it roll across the kitchen floor (leaving a sticky trail, by the way) and cackling as he retrieves it.
Joe Cool
Davis was playing peek-a-boo in the Eck's curtains!
I love how the boys play together. They really enjoy making each other laugh!
We went to the food trucks with the Herrmanns. Ty and Cal are such good buds!
These hounds have been forced to stay outside at mealtime because Davis loves to feed them more than feed himself. They're clearly happy about this recent development.
Our little cackler:
We carved pumpkins on Sunday morn. Well.....mostly the parents carved pumpkins and the boys played. #pumpkinguts
On Monday the 21st, I couldn't put weight on my foot and went to the emergency clinic. Stress fracture. Yahoo. Here's my hard splint, but I'm now wearing a walking boot.
The boys and I played on the driveway in our Royals gear while we waited for Mitch to get home. He's in a pretty good spot for this World Series since his two favorite teams are playing each other! Over a decade ago, I started dating a guy from NorCal and ignorantly asked him if the Royals and Giants could ever play each other. His response......"Only in the World Series." Well...so be it. :)
Cal wanted to share his bedtime snack with O-Bird.
Cal's getting good at summersaults!
The Brain loves to give kisses to our open mouthed baby. Ick.
Davis loved the playdough! I just had to watch him like a hawk to make sure he didn't eat it.
New trick. Oh goodie. :)
More open mouth kisses. I know that Donnie looks dangerous, but he's not. He's just blind. If someone came straight up in your face and you couldn't see them, you might growl a bit and show a tooth or two, also. Once Donnie realizes what's going on, he thoroughly cleans Davis's face! We have no concerns with our Big Bubba and our children.
Davis LOVES Donnie. He is always chasing him to get kisses or give these sweet hugs.
I went grocery shopping and picked myself up a pretty cute baby!
The boys watched cartoons like this one morning. It's not imprisonment if they're having fun, right??
Cal has told me for a month that he wants to be a race car driver, so I got the costume all ready to go. Well, last week his buddy at daycare decided he wanted to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and now that's what C wants to be. Luckily, after Cal painted his race car, he was MUCH more interested in his original costume idea!
We had a great time at the KSU game last weekend!
Davis fell asleep in the first quarter. Sweet little babe!
So ornery.
After I took this, Paul said....."It's just a photo of two 30-somethings that are fat and out of shape." lol I disagree, but it was funny.
I bribed the boys to sit still by giving them suckers. It bought me some time....such a relaxing 20 minutes!
It was 90 degrees in late October! We went to the park.....in tank tops!!!