Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Davis is 9 months old!?!?

How did this happen?  He's 3/4 of the way to a year old.  Wow. 
This big boy is the sweetest baby  Here are some highlights about D this month:
He has a spotty birthmark on his left calf.
Davis knows his name and looks towards us when we say it.
He LOVES to share his food and reaches out to feed others.....especially to one fat toad of a dog.  :)
He has his pincer grasp down.
Davis is almost crawling and can get up on all fours, but mostly rotates and rolls around.   However, he is seriously almost walking.  He just needs one finger to hold onto and he is off...racing around the house with us by his side. 
He chases Cal, the dogs, balls, and toy cars around while he walks.
He will not drink my pumped milk or formula at daycare.  I've tested out real milk with him and he loves it....but I can't give it to him for another month and a half.  Until then, the doctor has reassured me that he's getting all he needs from me in the morning and evening and isn't lacking in the nourishment department.  At least he eats well at daycare.....a lot.  A lot. 
He's started waving this month and I love it.  He smiles so big when he waves. It doesn't matter if he knows the person or not, he gives everybody big waves......such a sweet, happy boy!
He imitates my intonation and says "hiiiiiiiii" sometimes when he waves. 
He's trying to clap, but hasn't mastered it yet.
He has 6 teeth, but we only ever see the bottom two.  I have to peel his top lip back in order to get a peek at the other four!
He says "b-b-b-b-b-b-b" for "ball", quite frequently.  I think we could almost say this is his first word, which ironically was also Cal's first word!
I swear he's a lefty.  He points and explores books, toys, etc. with his left hand.  Even if his right hand is right there, he'll usually reach over and use his left to turn the page.
He turns pages in books.
He's a great sleeper!  He usually sleeps from 7pm to about 5am and once I nurse him, he goes back down for a few hours. 
He's started pointing at things lately!  He really wants to communicate!
Davis is starting to throw big tantrums and is such a screech owl when we have to sit him down vs. walking him around.  He is becoming quite vocal and lets us know when he doesn't like something!!
When he's tired, he'll usually start biting my shoulder with his 6 sharp puppy teeth. 
He is wearing mostly 2T clothing still, but can fit into some 3T tops.  I bought him a pair of Puma sneakers because his crib shoes just don't cut it when we're outdoors.  He's wearing a size 5, which are a little big but he scoots around in them without a problem.

When I took him to his 9 month appointment, they took his stats:
height: 30.25" (98%ile)
weight: 25.6# (99%ile)
So basically,  we are raising a tank.  We love this endlessly cheery little baby.  He wants to talk to us and walk so badly....just like his big bro.  Davis, we love you baby boy.  Don't grow up too fast!

School has started and I'm falling behind....waaaay behind.

Because it's almost 10pm on Tuesday night....because I'm exhausted.....because I want to post these videos so that I will always have them.....here is a slew of videos, in no particular order.  :)
This video was taken awhile ago and he walks much easier, quicker, and ALMOST independently now. 
Davis did three things in this video that made me smile:  said "mama", pointed, and then waved.  I love this kid.  He is growing and learning so fast!
Davis won't let go of our hands and take a step.  Instead he just cackles and then falls on his rumpus.  :)
Mitch did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!
Cal watched his daddy do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and wanted to do it himself!!
Mitch and I celebrated our 6th anniversary by going out on our first date in 8.5 months!  It was amazing.....and yet we talked about our kids 80% of the time.   We're true parents!   
 I'm a little worried that Donnie wasn't comfy enough. 
Cal was not pleased that he had to get up early for school again.  I feel ya, bud.
Cal was pretty proud of himself.  I've since had to relocate the chocolate syrup to the top shelf and to the back of the fridge.  :)
Davis LOVES the outdoors!  He is such a happy baby, but is happiest when he's "walking" and/or outdoors.   He loves to kick the soccer ball while I hold his hand and he walks.
Whoops....if you give a baby a squeeze pouch, you'll have a huge mess to clean up.  I was trying to make dinner and let him entertain himself. I should've seen that coming.  Duh, mom.....just duh.
First day of school 2014!  Cal said he wants to be a baseball player when he grows up.

Davis....first day of daycare 2014.  He didn't eat or drink any thing all day.  He has actually boycotted all of my pumped milk and even formula.  The doctor has reassured me that he's getting enough by nursing in the morn and eve.  It's painful for me to throw out all of my liquid gold, but what else am I going to do with it?!?  It's taking up freezer space.  lol
Misha and Tony were in town for a few days and the boys loved having a couple extra people around to play with!

"Hiiii!  I want to walk now!"
Silly face....yet still soooo handsome.
I love this little boy.
......and this little boy.  I wish time would stop for a bit....they're growing too quickly. 



Thursday, August 7, 2014

Our last week of Summer Break

We are sending the summer out with a bang.  This week, the boys and I have been keeping busy with play dates, park visits, and trips to fun venues around town.  Buckle up....here's a quick recap.

On Monday, we met the Ecks at the zoo.  Mitch jokingly said, "I don't know if I'd take Auggie to the zoo.  He might jump into the rhino pit or something."  (Backstory:  Auggie is an adorably active 20 month old with a danger seeking personality....we'll leave it at that!!)  Cal loves hanging with the Eck girls, Ella and Carrie. 
Just a bunch of monkeys.
They were so sweet and held hands frequently throughout the morning!
The next day, we met some friends at the park.  While we were walking to the playground, the firefighters waved us over and let Cal get into the truck!  They were so nice and let him explore.
Lorelai and Wyatt got there just in time and played in the truck, too. 
We eventually made it over to the park and Andrea Rau and her kids met us there.  Lucas and Cal were born 15 days apart!
Adley is PRECIOUS.  Look at that hair!!!  It's enviable....
We met Kieu and Ty at Botanica this morning!  They had a blast exploring the gardens and playing for 3 solid hours.
The butterfly pavilion was amazing. 
Most of the butterflies are so tame, that you just have to hold your hand out and they'll walk right onto your fingers. 
Davis was so interested in this beauty, but I could tell by his grabbing that he'd crush it if I let him get too close.  Just look and don't touch, little fella!
The boys were cracking me up.  They wanted to read the map and lead the way.
Davis loved the music.  He wanted to play with the big boys so badly.  I got him out and let him "walk" around while the bigs explored the playground and water area.
This summer has been the best.  I have loved spending my days with my boys.  It's fun to watch each take on a role in our family.  Cal has become a wonderful big brother.  He dotes on his brother and lets Davis playfully grab and gum him.  They look at each other and just start laughing at nothing.  Davis is such a sweet natured little guy.  He looks for Cal when he's not home.  When he wakes up from a nap, he usually walks into Cal's room to find him...and when he doesn't, then he takes the opportunity to play with his big brother's toys. 
Summer, you've been good to us.  See you in a year. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Our 6th Anniversary

I love his "tart face".  Oranges!
We took the boys out to dinner with us on our 6th anniversary.  They did really well and we all had a delicious dinner....full of laughs and bribes.  lol
Cal was very interested in the samples of beer on our table.  He wanted to help Mitch drink one.
Davis and I were busy: playing with toys, dropping toys, eating bits of food, dropping toys, and repeat.

Happy boy!  He got a carrot stick to gnaw on.
This big guy was so excited for his chicken strips!
Cal took some time to high five EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON that came up the ramp.  At one point, there was a party of 10 and he greeted them all with a high five.  He was a big hit at Granite City!  Funny kid. 

That giant mound in the foreground is the delicious chocolate cake we ordered.  We decided to only eat half and enjoy the rest the next day.  Well...that was the plan!  I placed the to-go box on top of the van and forgot it.  We watched our delicious cake go splat in the rear view mirror as we drove down Webb Rd.  It was a sad, sad moment. 
It's been a hot weekend, so the boys and I enjoyed popsicles.  I think it felt good on D's sore gums!!

Mitch had to work some this weekend, so the boys and I met some friends at the park.  I brought donut holes for the kids and Kieu brought sea weed and honeydew melon.  My sweet tooth made me look like a bad parent.