Monday, June 30, 2014

Milestones and such

Davis is such a turkey.  He won't roll from his tummy to his back any more!  He rolls over and sleeps on his tummy, but calls for me when he's ready to flip back over.  lol  He's too chubby. 
I love this pic.  It looks like he's holding the monkey's hand.  Davis and I went shopping in some of Cal's old clothes.  He's now wearing 2T and as you can see, he's wearing the shirt that Cal wore at 11 months.  BIG BOY.  (Do you remember this shirt, Belle??!!?  You sent it to Cal from Prague.)
Just for fun, this is Cal at 11 months.  You can tell they're brothers! 
This is Davis's tummy time partner.  He's a lot happier when his big brother does it with him.
I love these two.  Cal is such a sweetie to his little brother, who absolutely idolizes him. 
"Oh.....sweet Ollie girl."  Cal loves this we all do. 
I made sidewalk chalk spray for the boys to play with one day.  They loved it and the best part is that it washes away easily. 
Weird.  He's naked again.
Davis loves all foods.  He really liked the scrambled eggs, avocadoes, and baked beans that I gave him this week.  At times, I think that he eats more of a variety of food than Cal does!  lol.

Monday, June 23, 2014


I took Cal to his 3 year check up last week and here are his stats:

Height: 41" (99th %ile)
Weight: 38 lbs (94%ile)

He has grown 4" this year and gained no weight.  lol!  He is such a string bean!!! 

I could tell that Davis had grown in the last few weeks so I asked if they could measure him.  In two weeks time, he had grown almost an entire inch!  He is now 28.25" (99th %ile)!
I asked Cal 20 questions about his favorite are the results:
  • COLOR: green
  • TOY: the car that I found at the pool (mind you, this was one day after his birthday and he'd just received oodles of new toys)
  • FOOD:  chicken nuggets
  • MOVIE: Frozen
  • THING TO WEAR: monster shirt
  • ANIMAL: giraffe
  • SONG: Twinkle Twinkle
  • BOOK:  Dragon Book
  • SNACK:  crackers and sausage
  •  DRINK:  milk
  • THING TO PLAY OUTSIDE: basketball
  • HOLIDAY:  Halloween
  • THING ABOUT OUR DOGS: they eat dog food
(These next two are my favorite answers of all time.)
  • THING ABOUT MOMMY: You pick up the dog poop.
  • THING ABOUT DADDY:  He mows without a shirt on. 
  • CEREAL: Cinnamon Toast Crunch


I took the boys to Larned last week and we had a great time!
We met Jamie Froetschner and her daughters at the Splash Pad, but the water was so cold that Cal and Finley opted to run around the park for an hour and a half instead.  Go for it....wear yourselves out!  :)
Great Grandma and Davis played and chatted.

Davis is pretty happy in the highchair because he knows he's going to get to do one of his favorite past times (if a 6 month old has a past time)....EAT!

Cal was providing some breakfast entertainment for Davis.
This kid wants table food more baby food!  He's getting his first tooth, so apparently he thinks he's ready for big boy food.
He literally ripped the ice cream sandwich out of my hand! 
Cal has never been a messy eater....
We had some pool time fun, too.  My little nudists are pretty cute.
Yep...he's still naked.  Fist bump!
Dad was playing with his ear, but Cal was concentrating so hard on the iPad that he didn't know what was going on.
Davis rolls easily from his back to his tummy and usually sleeps on his side.  Well last night he decided to start sleeping on his tummy, but then he gets mad that he can't roll back over and "calls" for me.  We're working HARD on rolling over today.  :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Birthday Boy

I have a "20 questions" to post with answers from the Birthday Boy, but he got bored halfway through so I'll finish and post them later on.  So far they're pretty entertaining.  :)
Mimi and Grandpa with the boys
Water fight!!!
....turned into sword fight!
Liz and Padraig Buffolino came to celebrate with us!
Megan and Davis were chillin' in the shade.
We became friends last summer and have so much in common.  Cal told me that "he'd have a girlfriend this summer and it'll be Lorelai".  Well summer is here, Megan....are you ready for your daughter to date?! 
He kept telling me that he wanted a "chocolate sprinkle cake", which gave me the perfect opportunity to make a sheet cake.  I don't want toot my own horn, but....TOOT TOOT.  It was dang good.  :)
Davis was a fan of the ice cream, too!
Cake break....time for some trains!
Ashley and Lizzie...pretty girls!  When they left at 9pm that night, Lizzie said, "I want a dog.  Bye, sheep."  (she was talking to!!)
Everyone went back out for more play time in the fort.
Happy boy with his Mimi!
"No, mom.  I'm done playing.  I want dry clothes."
Jon is quite the party animal!
He was on his third set of clothes....that he got wet again.....and then took every thing off so he could go in for a fourth round of slip n slide fun.  :)
Davis was pretty exhausted from the party and slept well that night.  I had to take a pic of his little tootsies peeking out of his crib!
 By 10pm that night, we were all ready to move the party indoors and wind down with some Frozen.  :)  Cal confuses "prince and princess" and frequently says, "I'm a princess".  LOL!
We saved the presents for his real birthday on Sunday morn.  He insisted that, 'I'm not three yet!"  After 7:07pm that night, we had to correct him and tell him that he was officially it or not!  ha
Great Grandma found some cool new trucks for the birthday boy!
So did Mimi and Papa!
Aunt Susie loaded him up with Ninja Turtle gear!
Grandpa Walt and Grandma Sooz hit the jackpot with this super cool hat!
Happy Father's Day to a very sweet daddy.  It seems like his day was overshadowed by the three year old's celebration, but that happens I suppose.
After opening our present, I think this kid is loaded up with cars.....BIG cars.
Birthday pancakes...with sprinkles!
I snuck a piece of cake on Saturday so that Cal would have a piece for his birthday.
Cal told me that he wanted "tacos, carrots, and beans" for his birthday dinner.  :)  So that's what he got!
Davis is kind of over baby food, but he gags and can't eat bigger chunks of real food so we just mash things up.  However, he was ALL about my black beans on Sunday night.   Look at that messy baby!!!  He was getting over a 102.8 fever at this point, but felt good enough to eat.
These two hounds also liked the birthday meal.
While Davis enjoyed the beans, Cal rode his horse:
He was so excited about his new Batman costume from Baba!
Happy Birthday, sweet boy.  We love you!!