Tuesday, January 28, 2014


My good friends came to meet Davis!  It was so wonderful catching up with everyone and I really appreciated them traveling the three hours from KC to visit.  Love these girls!

My boys! 

Our sweet boy is 2 months old.  He weighs 13.5lbs (85%'ile) and is 24.4" long (92%'ile). Davis is wearing mostly 6 month clothes.  He nurses every 3-4 hours(occasionally 5, which is heavenly) at night and is a pretty good nighttime sleeper.  Nap time is improving, especially since his startle reflex is starting to slightly diminish, allowing him to sleep with his arms out and up by his head like he prefers.  He hates being swaddled, so this is a great thing!  His eyes are less steely blue and more greenish/brown, and are inevitably going to turn fully brown we suspect.  For awhile, we thought he'd get his daddy's blue eyes but it looks like he'll probably have dark brown like his big brother and mama!
Here is a pic of Cal at 2 months.  They are almost the exact same length, but Davis is 1.5lbs heavier!

Smiley guy

Cal loves Davis and wants to play with him all the time.  It is pretty darn sweet to see.

Joe Cool.
When I picked Cal up from school today, he looked at the piles of dirty snow that STILL haven't melted (only because they're in the shade) and said, "Look at that dirty snow.  It needs to go in the snow wash."  :)  We've had to wash my car several times this winter and he likes to announce that we're going to the car wash, followed by making comments about passing cars and whether they are dirty or "super duper clean".
Here is the evolution of how our walks go:
Cal starts out on his trike.  Mitch stays nearby to guide him and watch for cars.
Meanwhile, I try to steer the stroller while attempting to keep the dogs' leashes from braiding or wrapping around my legs when they suddenly switch sides.  Lots o' fun.
Usually mid-walk, Cal gets bored or tired and wants a different vantage point.  :)

 More coos from our little bug!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Card Shark

Cal legitimately beat me at Memory yesterday.  I don't know if it was my exhausted brain or my distracted attention level, but he honestly whipped his 32 year old mother in the simple child's game of Memory.  I can admit it....I'm not proud of it, but I'll admit it.  I'll swallow my pride and give credit where credit is due....even when the credit goes to a toddler who occasionally picks his nose and requires me to help him in the bathroom at times. 

Here's a video of my happy little baby.  What a sweet boy!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pink Eye, Brown Eye.

When I picked Cal up from school yesterday his eyes were terribly matted and red.  He looked awful!  I called the doctor and based on his symptoms, they called in a prescription for pink eye.  Because of this infection, he stayed home with Davis and I today. 

This doesn't do his eye infection justice because I'd already cleaned the matted junk out, but you can tell he didn't feel the best.

 I took this picture this morning.  This is our version of Pet Therapy.   He was drinking his hot cocoa (side note: it had an ice cube in it and was probably room temperature by this point) and watching Cars.

ME:  "Cal, how do your eyes feel?
CAL:  "They feel.....pink!"

I asked him again later and he said that "they are turning brown again".  lol!

Disinfecting after a pink eye infection is way different than cleaning up after the stomach virus in terms of surface area covered.  When Cal was puking, he laid in one spot all day and my cleaning was mostly limited to one main area.  With the pink eye, he still has energy and wants to play with and touch everything.  Cue the Lysol spray and disinfectant wipes.   I feel like I've spent the day trailing him with some sort of cleaning solvent!

Our dogs don't get enough attention on the blog, so here are some playful pictures with our silly pooches.

This is her stoic pose.  Look at the sow belly.....Ollie is quite the thief of Cal's food, as evidenced by her enormous gut. 
 Ol' blind Donnie was being a sweetheart this morning.  I was wrestling with him and was only minimally growled at, which is a big deal in Don's book. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

funny comments

*Cal was telling Mitch that he wanted to play trucks and then this happened:

Me:  "Cal, can I play trucks, too?"
Cal:  "No....you're a girl."

*He talks to Davis all the time, but he always greets him like this:

*Cal went up to the older classroom at school and has acclimated really well.  I loved his old teachers, but his new ones are pretty phenomenal, too.  I asked him if he liked his new teachers and he said, "Yeah.....my new teachers don't put me in time out."

Thursday, January 16, 2014


This morning at 4am,  Cal's fire alarm was set off by his humidifier, which apparently was blowing too close to the alarm.  This resulted in two frantic parents running around the house in a panic and a scared toddler coming into our bed.  Well, Davis wouldn't go back to sleep and Cal was crying his tired wails because he wanted me to cuddle him instead of the baby.  In a nutshell, we've been up since 4am.  Thus the post's title. 

On the weekends, I think I rewarm my coffee about 5 times a morning until it actually gets drank.  We are on the go from the moment we get up, it seems.  Now, here I sit in our quiet house, holding a sleeping baby and drinking cold coffee because I desperately need caffeine but don't want to risk waking Davis.   Ahhh.....parenthood.  However, as tired as I am, all I have to do is look at our beautiful little blessings and the exhaustion is worth it....but a warm cup-a-joe helps, too.  :)

Would you move?!
Yesterday I took Cal to DQ for a milkshake.  I asked him if I could have a drink, to which he replied, "No.  You already had two.  You can have some of my water at home."  Alrighty then.

 So snuggly!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

I'm serious, guys.

Baba Belle came to visit!

Davis was so fresh and so clean, clean (any Outkast fans out there?!) after his bath.

Great pic of Belle and her newest grandbaby!
Cal loved painting with Belle.  He made special paintings for everyone. 

We stuffed ourselves into my car and went to the KSU vs. Oklahoma State game.  We stopped for lunch first and then headed to Bramlage, which was as hot as an oven.  Cal didn't care for the loud crowd and preferred to run around up top. 

Since it was 1 degree outside, I needed to entertain my sick little boy indoors.  We played cars and made a ramp.  Easy entertainment!

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, Davis immediately rolls over when we do tummy time. 

Silly little 6 week old!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

All three boys are asleep.....and not puking.

It's a miracle...all three boys are in bed and quiet.  You heard me correct....three, as in Mitch included.  You'll find out why in a moment:

The stomach virus hit our house with a vengeance this week.  Cal woke up puking on Sunday morn.  He crept into our room and we pulled him into bed to try to catch a few more minutes of shut eye.  It was at this point that he sat up and puked.  He was pretty sick all day but was fine that night.  I kept him home on Monday just to be sure he was over it, which he was.  He was lethargic, but never threw up....until Tuesday morning.  Dun dun dunnnnn.....in his bed this time.   Side note: is it an unspoken rule that kids have to puke in their own or their parent's beds?  Cal was more concerned about his K-State blanket that he dirtied, than he was about anything else.  He asked me hourly if I'd cleaned it.  Luckily he was done puking after that and I'm hoping it stays that way.  But wait...there's more.  Mitch became the next unfortunate victim.  I've only witnessed him throw up a handful of times in our ten years together and this was definitely the worst.  He is finally on the mend, but it's taken a full day to get him there.

So in short, because of all this sickness and subsequent deep cleaning, I haven't had time to upload the pictures from Baba Belle's visit.  I have a few videos to post for now!

We worked on learning first and last names.  :)

That night, he was feeling fine and showed it by wrestling with his daddy!
Davis is starting to coo and smile.  It is so rewarding to have such adorable interactions with our little man.  He is such a sweet, mellow baby and I love watching his personality grow.
This silly little boy has been rolling over since he was 5 weeks old.  I keep trying to get that typical baby picture of him holding himself up, yet he refuses to stay in that position long enough for me to do so!  Every time I do tummy time with him, he immediately rolls over. 
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:

Friday, January 3, 2014

Sleeping Babies

Lately there is nothing more that I want but sleep.  However, my only time to get things done is when they're sleeping!  Shout out to all my fellow moms.  You're pickin' up what I'm puttin' down.  Something happened today and I'm pretty sure I heard angels singing.....both boys napped at the same time.  It was glorious!  I laid down with Cal while he fell asleep and had to take some pics.  His eyelashes are outrageous.  They are ridiculously thick and appear to have been dipped in thick, black ink.  Here's my sleeping beauty #1:

Here's my sleeping beauty #2.  He is changing so rapidly, I can hardly believe it.  His sweet little face studies mine when we "talk".  He coos back and gives me precious, toothless grins.  Davis is a patient and immensely loved little man.
I can't wait to see what adventures our boys will take us on in the future, yet I want time to slow down so these moments aren't so fleeting.