Donnie decided he wanted some of Cal's puffs one day after school. Cal kept saying, "Here ya go, Don Don" and gently placed the puffs near his nose and mouth so he could find them. Grumpy ol' Donnie sure gets the royal treatment from us humans for being such a growly boy!
Cal, Daddy, and Papa were playing during the KSU game.
35 weeks pregnant: Cal knows the drill.....hands on Mommy's tummy then SMILE!!
Superhero Cal was pretty excited about Trick or Treating! We'd ask him what he was supposed to say when he went door to door and he'd reply, "Knock knock....Trick or Treat!" He liked ringing all the doorbells, but was a little hesitant to speak to the first few people. Near the end of our route, a man wearing a wife beater and boxers opened the door.....unfortunately he wasn't wearing a costume. When we walked away, Mitch and I felt like we should make it clear to our son that taking candy from a man in boxers wasn't safe, but we will leave that conversation for a later date.
Halfway through trick or treating, Cal said, "I need to sit down." and plopped down on a driveway. He decided he'd gone far enough without eating any candy, so he dove in and gobbled a few pieces before moving on.
I wish Cal would've been looking at the camera. This is the best picture of Mitch.....what a smile!!!
When KSU expanded and rebuilt the west side of the stadium, Tony and I bought a brick for our family to be a part of the history. We found it on Saturday! It is directly in front of Bill Snyder's statue.....that's prime real estate right there.
Tony brought Misha to the game. She even got decked out in KSU gear. We all had a great weekend in Manhattan and were exhausted come Sunday morn.
Grandma loved watching Cal clap to the beat of the band's music, cheer for the team, and complete KSU chants. It was a great day for a football game....perfect weather!
37'ish weeks.....there is some uncertainty about my due date. November 23rd or the 30th?!? It is unclear, but he is measuring big, so I hope it's closer to the 23rd!! :) I'm getting pretty uncomfortable and sleep doesn't come easily. Mitch is a trooper and has allowed my pillow brigade to take over the bed. On an average night, I'm surrounded my seven pillows and a little round dog named Ollie. Mitch gets whatever portion of the bed that's left. :)