We drove to Larned on Saturday the 22nd, and thanks to the hardworking characters of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse our drive was much more enjoyable. Cal reluctantly took a slight snooze on the drive, but while he was awake he was jamming out with Mickey and/or pointing at the semi trucks zooming by.
He and Great Grandma were having quite the conversation.
Cal napped for part of Christmas morning. "Why?" do you ask? Well, that would be because he woke up at 4:51am to try and catch Santa. It didn't work. The only thing he caught were 2 episodes of Mickey Mouse while his Mama rocked him while semi-snoozing in the chair. I do love rocking him, though, and it's about the only time he'll actually sit still, so I'll take it.
"Hi guys! I'm wearing my mom's new shoes."
The dogs got the couch. The humans got the floor. Story of our lives!
Opening presents is exhausting!
New favorite hobby!
Cal loves his Uncle Tony, who is full of endless energy just like him! They spent a lot of time playing airplane while running through the house and reenacting WWF wrestling moves.
We have enjoyed our quiet'ish time now that we're back in Topeka. Cal opted out of breakfast this morning so he could do a little light reading.
He just said "uh oh" because he ripped the page.
Guess who learned how to crawl out of his crib? Oh goodie! He slept in bed with me and kicked Mitch to the guest room on Friday night. Cal squirms and rolls so much in his sleep that the three of us (oh, four....sorry, Ollie) don't fit in a bed together! We took the front of his crib off and bought a toddler rail, which has worked great! He has slept in his bed the last two nights and for naps. The only caveat is that I have to lay with him until he falls asleep. Well, that was the case until tonight when I laid with him for an hour and he kept kissing me and laughing, singing, swinging his arms around and smacking my face, pushing me out of his bed, etc. I finally got up and kissed him good night and left the room. He got out of bed, as expected, and then knocked on the door for about 5 minutes while kind of whining. Amazingly enough, he went back to his bed and went to sleep on his own!!! Mitch and I couldn't believe our eyes while watching the video monitor! We hope this new bedtime routine can continue.
Cal's language has really started booming in just the last week. He has started putting atleast 2 words together and has a vocabulary of over 20 words, I'd estimate. He still signs for "more" and "eat" frequently, and will occasionally throw in the sign for "dog" for good measure.
Our little boy with boundless energy has quite a great sense of humor and ornery streak. He loves to have 'conversations' with us, chase the dogs, play with playdough and color, stack and demolish blocks, etc. He has started mimicking us ALL.THE.TIME. now. It's hilarious and we all end up cackling in the end. Cal follows the motions in several songs (Wheels on the Bus and Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, etc.) and even carries a little tune while singing with us...or on his own!
We love our little boy and are so blessed to have such a healthy and happy child! We hope you have a great time ringing in the new year. Cheers!