We have realized that, years from now, we don't want to forget all of Cal's funny behaviors. Now you will be subjected to our detailed accounts of Cal's humorous tendencies. Please continue reading if you want to giggle.
My cousin, Christina, came to visit a few weeks ago. We all had so much fun at the KSU game, despite the brutal humidity and heat. Cal really loved her and she was very helpful in corralling him during the game. He wanted to climb the stairs ALL. GAME. LONG. I didn't get to watch much of the game, but I got my exercise. He did so well, despite it being a late night. Our fella didn't get fussy at all.
Talking pregame strategy with Gpa |
Grandma helped Cal cool down!
I love this picture. He was really tired at this point and didn't really know what to think about the post game fireworks. He jumped from person to person but really enjoyed having his Daddy hold him! |
Cal's daycare provider asked me if he puts things in our trashcan at home. I was confused and said that I hadn't noticed it? She said that at the end of the day, before they dump the trash, they have to sift through it to make sure Cal hasn't dropped toys into the trashcan. However, once she mentioned this, I connected a few dots. He has recently shown his fervor for "cleaning up". When we're playing in the living room, he takes a few toys and drops them through the stair rails to watch them roll down the steps. Plastic golf clubs and rings are his top drop choices. Additionally, he has an affinity for emptying my Tupperware cabinet and putting the lids inside of various drawers. I'm still looking for 50% of the lids. Oh, and just last night he was picking up his room and dropping toys, books, etc. into his clothes hamper. Although I'm sure it won't last, for now I am going to revel in the fact that he dislikes clutter and
hope, wish, PRAY that this trend continues into his teen years and beyond.
Although he's become quite the picky eater as of late, he did give in and eat a few fish sticks one night.....but he wanted to let me know that he wasn't excited about it.
I think this face says, "You may have won the battle, Mom, but I will win the war."
Cal is becoming quite the imitator. When he spots an unattended cell phone, he immediately snatches it up and babbles into. "Ello? Lelo? Lelolelolelolelo." He talks more with that phone to his ear than he does at any other point in the day. He's even pretended to hold a phone and talk into his open hand on occasion!
Here is a funny photo of him following our lead. He has watched us drink our cereal milk enough times that he decided to try it tonight......with the juice off of his peas. Ick.
We keep a rug near the front door to keep our shoes on. He has started picking up shoes and bringing them to us. Amazingly enough, he actually brings them in pairs and takes them to the right person. He knows that Daddy's sandals are Daddy's, although he has tried to stick his foot in them and walk around at times!
When Uncle Tony was here for the KSU/Miami game, Cal helped him do a little legal work.
Rick came to visit while he was in KC for business. Cal took to him immediately and loves the Giants jersey that he brought him!

I guess this post's title isn't applicable to this next story. This isn't a funny behavior, but we do want to remember his first (and hopefully last) ER visit. I got a text on Monday (9/10/12) from his daycare that there was an accident. Apparently, Cal really likes Gio, a 3 year old in his daycare. He follows him around and tries to do everything that Gio does. Unfortunately, Gio doesn't want a shadow at all times, namely when he is going to the bathroom. Cal toddled into the bathroom after him and Gio pushed him. Cal fell back into the wall and hit his head. He was crying and pretty wobbly on his feet while walking out of the bathroom and then Gio came around the corner and pushed him again into the DVD rack. This did the damage. His forehead struck the corner edge and he had an immediate goose egg. Because of the bump's size, I took him to the ER (on the advice of my doctor) and had him seen. Everything checked out ok and the staff was extremely nice. The ER doctor even provided his personal on-call number so that I could call in and talk to him if anything changed. Luckily I didn't have to do so and Cal returned to his old self rather quickly. He's still sporting quite the bump on his forehead, but miraculously he isn't extremely bruised like we all expected.

When we were waiting in the Emergency Room, the receptionist said, "He looks like a unicorn!" Uhhhhh.......thanks? Can you just get us in quickly, please?
Our big guy didn't look so large in the scary hospital bed. He was such a good sport, but he HATED having his blood pressure and temperature taken.
We had to get out some warmer clothes this week due to a much welcomed cold front. He loves wearing hoods and was all smiles in the car one day.
"I'm all better!!!"