Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Playing with the big dogs...errrr, dog, I suppose.

I was cleaning out Cal's water table today and he grabbed the hose from me.  This isn't unusual because he really likes to drink from it.  Today, however, he caught the attention of Donnie, another HUGE fan of the water hose, and the rest was history.....adorably hilarious history.

Cal ended up just as wet as Donnie.  Throughout the water play, he cackled so loudly.  It was so fun to watch our little boy play with our big blind dog. 
Here's another quick pic.  I found this idea of Pinterest and Mitch helped me create a growth ruler!  Now we can take it with us wherever we move and we'll always have documentation of our little guy's height.  Cal hated it and cried the whole time.  I wasn't giving him a shot, for heaven's sake...I was measuring the top of his melon so we can document our future basketball star's growth pattern!  He wouldn't stand up straight so I couldn't get the most accurate read.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Sound

As we spend our days trying to teach him how to make new sounds and say new words, he taught himself how to make this sound.  We'll take it. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

New favorite game

Whenever we, or the dogs, are laying on the floor, Cal thinks it is a prime opportunity to sit on us.  Or in this instance, use my belly as a trampoline.  Internal damage? entertainment.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Funny anecdotes

I don't have many pics to post, but I do have some funny stories to share. 

Cal's teething has really put a damper on his appetite.  He rejects basically everything, even what used to be the "go to" foods when he'd eat nothing else.  Fortunately, he eats fruit really well.  He especially loves peaches!  When I try to help him, he pushes my hands back and wants to hold it all on his own. 

He's never been much of a veggie eater and since he won't eat his staples of peas or carrots anymore, I've resorted to tricking him.  He doesn't even taste the steamed squash that's blended in with his fruit smoothies.  :)

Whenever we give him food, the first thing he does is squeeze it to test its squishability.  "Can I throw it on the ground and it'll make a splat?  I like it.  Can I squeeze it and get juice all over myself and the highchair?  I love it."  Side note:  cantaloupe is his new favorite fruit.  Ollie is like a shark at mealtime.  She swarms around his highchair waiting for him to drop morsels overboard for her.  When he doesn't see her in the kitchen, he'll drop some food over the side and it's like blood in the water....Ollie appears in 2.5 seconds to gobble it up.

What do you do for fun with a teething, inconsolable toddler?  Try to entertain him and take his mind off the pain!  I tried to aleviate his pain by letting him make a big mess while finger painting but he wasn't that into it.  I had to show him how funny it was to put paint on my face and atleast enjoyed that part.

Our little explorer really enjoys looking at pictures and brings the framed photos to us daily so that we can tell him who is in it.  Everyone is named "dada" in the pictures.  I've had to remove the glass from every frame in the house because he likes to drop them on the kitchen floor, behind his toy bin, and on top of the hard table.  You get the was a hazard so now we have glass-less frames.

I met Mom in Salina last week while Mitch was in the Ozarks.  We attempted to go shopping and it didn't go so well.  Cal has hit the age where running away from me while laughing is his favorite game.  Case in point, he ran out of a store while my hands were full of clothes and I chased after him which caused the alarm to go off.  I threw the clothes back into the store and resumed my chase through the mall before I caught the little sprinter.  There are just too many things to see and do when we're out in public, so he refuses to sit in his stroller now a days. 
Whenever the dogs are laying around and caught unaware, Cal backs up to them and sits on them.  He loves to go in reverse recently?!?  If he's not sitting on them, then he log rolls over the top of them or uses them as a pillow.  It's so funny.  Ollie tolerates it, but blind old Donnie is a bit unsure of why a 30 lb. child is trying to squish his innards by sitting on him. 

I have been taking Cal to the pool frequently and he's sporting quite the tan.  His feet have little tan lines from where his swim shoes allow the the sun to hit.  Anyway, when we come home I usually give him a bath. Last week,  I had just dried him off and he ran out of the bathroom while I was putting stuff away.  His naked little bottom vanished around the corner to the living room and when I came out to find him he was standing near the vent staring at the carpet.  I wasn't sure what he was staring at and then I noticed the wet lines in the carpet.  He was watching what kind of "art" he could make in the carpet when he peed.  It was pretty funny, even though he was urinating all over the place.  I'm sure it won't be the last time that he pees somewhere he shouldn't!

Cal went to his new daycare today.  "Kay Kay and Big Dave", his providers, asked that he have a backpack so they can send his artwork and notes home in it.  Here are some pics of him sporting his new dinosaur backpack!