He loves to play with "shoe". What a creative name for his new favorite toy, eh?? He throws it from one side to the other and then kicks it away from himself. Shoe usually buys us 15 minutes of solitude, so we are forever grateful to him/it/her. Nap time with my cuddle bug. Rough housing with Daddy!
He wouldn't stand still. He's sportin' his new duds from Great Gma! Go State! It's a little big, but that's how the athletes wear their unis, right???
We took a trip to Lake Perry and had a picnic. Cal loved the water once he was used to it. I got a little grossed out, primarily because I'm a germaphobe and you couldn't take a step without landing in a pile of goose poo or a variety of other wild animal droppings. I'm not a "city girl", but I think I'm a "germ-conscious small town girl". It's a new phrase I've coined. EXTREME CLOSEUP.....WHOAHHHHHH!!!!! He likes to hit his balloons! Mr. Priss wasn't so sure he liked the sand at first, but he's warmed up since! |
Cal has recently realized that he has eyelashes and I'll catch him poking himself in the eye and grabbing his lashes. He has started doing the same to us when we hold him. It's all fun and games until someone gets poked in the eye.
At his one year appointment on Monday, he still topped the charts in the over 100th percentile in both height and weight. He is 33" long now, averaging an inch of growth a month since birth, and is 29lbs. He actually only gained a pound since his 9 month appointment, largely in part due to his unbelievable non-stop movement! ha