Cal is aching to walk. He uses his walking push toy every chance he gets and motors around the house....until he hits a corner or some furniture. At that point, he takes to screaming so that one of us can come over to steer him in towards a clear path. He is changing so rapidly that it's hard to keep up. Literally. A typical movement pattern of young Cal looks something like this:
Crawl towards the sliding door, stand up, bang on the door while making noises, get bored and crawl towards one of the dogs to antagonize them. Pull their hair or bap their face, find Mommy in the kitchen, crawl to the dogs' water bowl, splash in it before Mommy stops me. Make a parent help me walk over to the couch where I cruise over to my toys. Play. Crawl back into the kitchen and use toy walker to maneuver around the house. Repeat.
(Note to reader: I hope your back hurts from reading that.)
We've been pretty busy in the last few weeks. Here's a quick run-down:
Alexandra Hachenberg celebrated her 1st birthday....and this is seriously the only picture I took of her. Wonder why? Please read the "movement paragraph" and that explains it all. It was so fun seeing all of my KC girlfriends.
Happy Birthday, sweet girl!! |
Oh wait, here's the other pic. You're welcome, Nat. :) Cal was intrigued by Natalie. She said, "I think you'll be taller than me by the time you're five." hahaha
Why is this the universal baby/toddler sleeping position? I remember sleeping like this as a child. I just love when he does this....look at that little rump!