Cal learned how to clap this weekend and clap, clap, clap he does! He claps when he wakes up in the middle of the night and doesn't want to go back to sleep, he claps at 5:30am and talks (LOUDLY!!!), he claps when he plays, he claps when he get the picture!
The last week of January offered ample opportunities to spend time outdoors. The temperatures were in the upper 60's, so we were able to walk the dogs and play outside daily. Cal loved pruning and pulling the grass while watching the dogs run around the yard. He also brought to my attention that we apparently have numerous rabbits that inhabit our property when the dogs are inside. The tiny pellets of "dirt" that he was grabbing along with the grass forced his germaphobe Mama to eventually retreat to the safe, poo-free patio slab.
Cal met Lilah Beth Sawyer at the KSU game. Lilah's mom, Johnna, and I grew up together and are so excited that your little ones are close in age. It wasn't the warmest first impression, but I'm sure they'll become good friends. They're going to be spending many-a-Saturdays in the K-State football parking lot, so I hope that friendship forms quickly!
Cal to Lilah: "Hey chick. I'm supposed to be the cutest baby in're treadin' on my turf."
Lilah to Cal: "Hey buddy, get used to it. Just wait until I wear my purple gets the crowd everytime."
Last Sunday, I set Cal on the carpet in the living room and left him to play with his toys while I washed a few dishes. Imagine my surprise when I returned to check on him and found him 5 feet away....under the coffee table!!! He doesn't really crawl yet, but he rolls, scoots, pivots, etc. He was so proud of himself!!
Our silly little boy keeps grabbing for anything that we're eating, so I've started introducing him to more solids. Here he is convincing me that he should eat the sugar cookie that was in my hand.
I opted to not share my confectionary delight, but instead give him some spagetti! He was NOT a fan and the meal ended in tears. We'll try again in a few weeks, perhaps with some buttery rotini noodles instead!
Cheerios, puffs, and baby crackers are all acceptable menu items. He really likes banana bits and small chunks of pears and peaches, too.
This is just the sweetest picture. Cal won't rock to sleep with Mommy, but he sleeps soundly when Daddy does it!
First snow! We only got 2" of the white stuff, but it still counts.
Our 8 month old boy is changing daily. Aside from learning new skills, he's becoming more opinionated and showing his personality more every day. Happy 8 month birthday, sweet boy!